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Test your knowledge: Flaws in the system Quiz Answer

In this article i am gone to share Coursera Course: Assets, Threats, and Vulnerabilities Week 3 Practice quiz | Test your knowledge: Flaws in the system Quiz Answer with you..

Enroll Link: Assets, Threats, and Vulnerabilities

In this course, you will explore the concepts of assets, threats, and vulnerabilities. First, you’ll build an understanding of how assets are classified. Next, you will become familiar with common threats and vulnerabilities, and the security controls used by organizations to protect valuable information and mitigate risk. You will develop an attacker mindset by practicing the threat modeling process, and you’ll learn tactics for staying ahead of security breaches.

Also visit:  Test your knowledge: Authentication, authorization, and accounting Quiz Answer


Test your knowledge: Flaws in the system Quiz Answer

Question 1)
Which of the following are steps in the vulnerability management process. Select two answers.

  • Identify vulnerabilities
  • Catalog organizational assets
  • Assign a CVE® ID
  • Prepare defenses against threats

Question 2)
An organization is attacked by a vulnerability that was previously unknown. What is this exploit an example of?

  • A cipher
  • A zero-day
  • A perimeter layer
  • An asset

Question 3)
Which layer of the defense in depth strategy is a user authentication layer that mainly filters external access?

  • Endpoint
  • Data
  • Perimeter
  • Network

Question 4)
A security researcher reports a new vulnerability to the CVE® list. Which of the following criteria must the vulnerability meet before it receives a CVE® ID? Select two answers.

  • The vulnerability must be unknown to the developer.
  • It must be independently fixable.
  • It must affect multiple applications.
  • The submission must have supporting evidence.