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Test your knowledge: Cyber attacker mindset Quiz Answer

In this article i am gone to share Coursera Course: Assets, Threats, and Vulnerabilities Week 3 Practice quiz | Test your knowledge: Cyber attacker mindset Quiz Answer with you..

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Also visit:  Test your knowledge: Identify system vulnerabilities Quiz Answer


Test your knowledge: Cyber attacker mindset Quiz Answer

Question 1)
What is the difference between an attack vector and an attack surface?

  • An attack vector refers to the pathways attackers use to penetrate security defenses; an attack surface refers to all the vulnerabilities of an asset that can be exploited.
  • An attack surface refers to all the weaknesses of an asset that can be attacked; an attack vector refers to an outdated and vulnerable network.
  • An attack surface refers to the specific method of attack; an attack vector refers to an outdated and vulnerable network.
  • An attack surface refers to the specific pathway of exploiting a weakness; an attack vector refers to all the weaknesses of an asset that can be exploited.

Question 2)
What are examples of security hardening? Select three answers.

  • Keeping systems patched and updated
  • Hashing all user passwords
  • Disabling unused network ports
  • Restarting a crashed application

Question 3)
Which steps are applied when using an attacker mindset? Select three answers.

  • Stay in communication with a target
  • Determine how a target can be accessed
  • Evaluate a target’s attack vectors
  • Identify a target

Question 4)
How can businesses reduce the number of attack vectors they must defend? Select three answers.

  • By implementing security controls that protect information
  • By totally restricting information from being shared
  • By controlling access and authorization to assets
  • By educating users so they can participate in preventing attacks