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Start the UX Design Process: Empathize Define and Ideate Ans

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Start the UX Design Process: Empathize, Define, and Ideate



Test your knowledge on user pain points

Question 1)
Which of the following is an example of a pain point? Select all that apply.

  • Struggling to read the small text in an app.
  • Receiving an update via email about a productโ€™s availability
  • Unresponsive touch screen options
  • Discovering the chat function on a site is switched off during the posted hours of operation.

Question 2)
How can an empathy map help UX designers understand a userโ€™s perspective?

  • It can convey to UX designers what users think, say, feel, and do to understand what users actually need from a product.
  • It can help UX designers solve problems they think users have.
  • It can help UX designers market a product to a different group of users
  • It can help UX designers assume what users want.

Question 3)
Which of the following is an example of a process pain point?

  • User encounters a paywall pop-up in the middle of a digital article
  • User cannot select or click a website navigation link
  • User faces difficulty adding an item to an online shopping cart
  • User is unable to find answers to a question on their own

Question 4)
Most pain points fall into one of four categories: product, financial, process, or support.

  • True
  • False

Weekly challenge 1: Create personas for your portfolio project

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Weekly Challenge 2: Create a user journey map for your portfolio project

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Test your knowledge on how psychology and human factors influence design

Question 1)
What are some common human factors that influence design? Select all that apply.

  • Income
  • Prejudice
  • Impatience
  • Fear
  • Misjudgment

Question 2)
Consider the psychological concepts explored in this lesson. Which of the following is an example of a mental model?

  • Using a key to turn the ignition of a car to start it
  • Parking a car in a garage
  • Driving a car

Question 3)
Fill in the blank: You test a new childrenโ€™s game with a group of users. Some are able to reach the end of the game, while others quit after a few turns. The children who are able to finish the game enjoy the experience because of the positive _____.

  • value proposition
  • feedback loop
  • reinforcement
  • human outcome


Weekly Challenge 3: Define user problems

Question 1)
What is the key attribute of a strong problem statement?

  • Design-focused
  • Human-centered
  • Open-ended
  • Action-oriented

Question 2)
Fill in the blank: To write a problem statement, you include the name of the user, their characteristics, and a description of _____.

  • the userโ€™s need
  • the userโ€™s design expectations
  • the userโ€™s target demographic
  • the userโ€™s preferred product features

Question 3)
Beyond establishing goals, what can effective problem statements help UX designers do? Select all that apply.

  • Identify target users
  • Understand constraints
  • Define deliverables
  • Set benchmarks for success

Question 4)
After crafting a problem statement, a designer begins to brainstorm design solutions. They should document these in a hypothesis statement, which reflects their best educated guess on what the solution to the design problem might be.

  • True
  • False

Question 5)
In the 5 Wโ€™s framework, researchers ask five โ€œwโ€ questions based on who, what, when, where, and why. These questions allow designers to address a problem from what perspective?

  • The design teamโ€™s perspective
  • The developerโ€™s perspective
  • The userโ€™s perspective
  • The problemโ€™s perspective

Question 6)
In the 5 Wโ€™s framework, researchers ask five โ€œwโ€ questions based on who, what, when, where, and why. Which of the following is an example of a good โ€œwhoโ€ question?

  • Who is experiencing the problem?
  • Who has pain points for which there are limited design solutions?
  • Who has given up on meeting their needs?
  • Who is likely to use the product?

Question 7)
Which of the โ€œwโ€ questions (who, what, when, where, or why) is missing from the following problem statement?

The user, Shandel, is a fine arts enthusiast that lives in a major city. Shandel goes to museums several times a month. They want an easy way to secure timed museum tickets. The product Shandel uses to secure tickets requires advance purchase, so they get frustrated when they try to spontaneously book tickets to popular exhibits. Shandel wants to be able to easily book tickets in the app, in real time on weekend afternoons, without advance planning.

  • When
  • Why
  • Where
  • What

Question 8)
Imagine that a designer is ready to build a value proposition for their new mobile app. To start, they clearly explain the offering the product provides to users. Which value proposition research question does this answer?

  • What does the product do?
  • Why should the user care?
  • What features should the product include?
  • What target users should the design consider?

Question 9)
Consider the following scenario:

A designer starts to develop the value proposition for their new mobile photo app. First, they describe the productโ€™s features and benefits, which include free unlimited photo storage and social media integration. Then, they explain the value of the product, and hone in on the features that create real value for users.

What are the next steps the designer needs to take to develop a value proposition? Select all that apply.

  • Review the official value proposition list
  • Begin market research to set a product price
  • Connect the features and benefits with the needs of users
  • Conduct user research to identify pain points

Question 10)
A designer reaches the final stage of building value propositions. They review their official value proposition list. Using this list, how can they make sure their product stands out from the competition? Select the two that apply.

  • Schedule a round of user research to validate their value propositions
  • Create new value propositions to align with the competitor’s product
  • Remove value propositions that are offered by competitors
  • Identify their productโ€™s unique value propositions



Test your knowledge on competitive audits

Question 1)
A competitive audit would be useful in which of the following scenarios?

  • Team Z is trying to create a product that automatically dispenses facial tissue when a user sneezes. There may be one or two similar products trying to launch on the market.
  • Team X is in the process of developing an original mobile and computer app. The app helps people who are nonverbal or cannot speak and find willing speakers to help them navigate a situation that requires verbal interaction. There are no other apps like it.
  • Team Y is in the process of developing a real estate app. The app allows users to identify available properties on the housing market. Thereโ€™s a long list of other real estate apps available on mobile and computer platforms.

Question 2)
What are characteristics of a direct competitor? Select all that apply.

  • Extends different products to the same users and end users
  • Offers similar services, products, or features
  • Has users and end users that are similar
  • Focuses on different audiences with similar products


Weekly Challenge 4: Create a competitive audit and report for your portfolio project

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