Coursera Answers

Build Wireframes and Low-Fidelity Prototypes Coursera Quiz Ans

Hello Friends in this article i am gone to share Coursera Course: Build Wireframes and Low-Fidelity Prototypes All Weeks Quiz Answers with you..

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Build Wireframes and Low-Fidelity Prototypes



Optional – Test your knowledge of prior concepts

Question 1)
What are some key benefits of considering accessibility in UX design? Select all that apply.

  • Creates solutions that often help everyone
  • Addresses societal structures and products rather than a person’s ability
  • Ensures underrepresented and excluded groups are taken into account

Question 2)
Which phase of the design sprint helps the team find solutions to build on?

  • Understand
  • Test
  • Ideate
  • Prototype
  • Decide

Question 3)
What can a researcher learn when they properly empathize with users during user research?

  • The needs, behaviors, and motivations of their users
  • The wants, desires, and fears of their users
  • The hopes, dreams, and assumptions of their users
  • The opinions, feelings, and biases of their users

Question 4)
Which of the following are examples of pain points? Select all that apply.

  • Receiving the same response to three different questions from an automated chatbot
  • Being asked to submit credit card information when no payment is required
  • Struggling to interact with a button on a mobile app’s homepage because it’s extremely small
  • Completing the checkout process for a food delivery app

Question 5)
Which of the following statements about user personas is true?

  • Personas are modeled after the characteristics of the UX designer.
  • A persona is a real user who provides real reviews on a product.
  • UX designers should avoid creating backstories for personas
  • Personas can help identify patterns of behavior in users.

Question 6)
Which of these user stories includes a type of user, an action, and a benefit?

  • As a scientist, I want access to my colleagues’ published research.
  • As a yoga instructor, I want to create a consistent class schedule so that my clients know how to confidently plan their weekly exercise.
  • I want a bookshelf so I have somewhere to store my book collection.
  • As a chef, I want access to the freshest ingredients and the highest-quality cooking utensils.

Question 7)
Fill in the blank: Designing products with accessibility and inclusivity in mind ensures that you _____.

  • create an identical experience for all users
  • focus on creating one solution for as many people as possible
  • include solutions that benefit specific individuals, which improves the user experience for all users.
  • create a different solution for every single user.

Question 8)
Which of the following is a complete problem statement?

  • Akiko is a construction consultant who is building a skyscraper.
  • Bella is a dance choreographer who needs to create a practice video because some of their students have school during the day and can’t attend lessons in person.
  • Hakim is an accountant who needs to collect expense reports from their coworkers.
  • Angelo needs a toolbox and shingles to fix the leak in their roof.

Question 9)
Identify the steps of the ideation process in the correct order.

  • Gathering a diverse team, brainstorming, documenting ideas, questioning obvious solutions, focusing on quantity, and evaluating the ideas.
  • Brainstorming, documenting ideas, focusing on quantity, gathering a diverse team, questioning obvious solutions, and evaluating the ideas.
  • Documenting ideas, brainstorming, focusing on quantity, questioning obvious solutions, gathering a diverse team, and evaluating the ideas.

Question 10)
You’re a UX designer working on a gaming app in a competitive market space. You want to figure out what your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses are, and how to create a better product. What should you do?

  • Conduct a competitive audit
  • Contact each company directly
  • Conduct informal research online
  • Create a marketing plan


Test your knowledge of storyboards

Question 1)
What are the key elements of a storyboard? Select all that apply.

  • Theme
  • Scene
  • Narrative
  • Plot
  • Character

Question 2)
Which of the following scenarios would be most appropriate to use a big picture storyboard?

  • You start the design process for a new grocery delivery app. You want to pitch some ideas to the team about how the user could use it and benefit from it.
  • You create a tool that connects auto mechanics with local auto parts stores to check product availability in real-time. You want to test the app for possible connection issues.
  • You create a new homepage for a news site. You need to show the details of the product and what happens during each step of the user experience.


Test your knowledge of design fidelity

Question 1)
Fill in the blank: Wireframes establish the basic _____ of a page and serve as an outline of a digital experience.

  • text
  • images
  • functional specifications
  • structure

Question 2)
Which of the design fidelity types would you use if you need to get ideas out quickly while leaving room open for exploration?

  • Low-fidelity design
  • Medium-fidelity design
  • High-fidelity design

Question 3
Identify characteristics of a low-fidelity (lo-fi) design. Select all that apply.

  • Low-fi designs use simple shapes and lines
  • Low-fi designs are often used to get ideas out quickly.
  • Lo-fi designs include graphics and images
  • Lo-fi designs are highly refined and polished


Weekly challenge 1: Create storyboards for your portfolio project

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Test your knowledge on information architecture

Question 1)
What does information architecture (IA) do?

  • Visually describes and explores a user’s experience with a product
  • Creates a basic outline of a digital experience, like an app or website
  • Organizes content to help users understand where they are in a product, and where the information they want is.
  • Inspires architecture-related UX designs

Question 2)
How does information architecture (IA) support the wireframe creation process?

  • Makes the final product easy to use
  • Organizes an app into lines and rectangles
  • Provides a detailed view of the final product
  • Provides clearer direction and understanding

Question 3)
Fill in the blank: Information architecture helps engineers _____.

  • understand user needs
  • organize data
  • make designs look better
  • create new designs


Test your knowledge on Gestalt Principles

Question 1)
Fill in the blank: Similarity, proximity, and common region are examples of Gestalt Principles. Designers can use these principles to _____ content so it is visually pleasing and easier to understand.

  • recognize
  • evaluate
  • organize

Question 2)
You are developing a website for a clothing resale company. On the homepage, you choose to display the top-selling brands, by logo, in the center of the page. The logos are grouped with a border around them. Which of the following Gestalt Principles apply in this scenario?

  • Common region
  • Similarity
  • Proximity

Question 3)
To adhere to the Gestalt principle of proximity, what should a designer do?

  • Put elements closer together
  • Make elements that have a similar function look similar
  • Use borders to group elements together

Question 4)
Fill in the blank: Gestalt principles describe how humans _____ similar elements, recognize patterns, and simplify complex images when they perceive objects.

  • group
  • disassemble
  • describe
  • create


Weekly challenge 2: Create digital wireframes for your portfolio project

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Test your knowledge of low-fidelity prototypes

Question 1)
You demonstrate an early product model’s scrolling and click functionality to stakeholders before it goes to engineering. What are you demonstrating?

  • A storyboard
  • A design type
  • A prototype
  • A wireframe

Question 2)
What is the most significant difference between a wireframe and a prototype?

  • Time
  • Cost
  • Interactivity
  • Fidelity

Question 3)
What is the goal of creating a low-fidelity prototype?

  • Make it easier for engineers to value the design
  • Create a complex and interactive design that’s ready for development
  • Make designs testable to collect and analyze feedback early on
  • Create a complex and static design to show stakeholders


Weekly challenge 3: Build a low-fidelity prototype for your portfolio project

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