Coursera Answers

Conduct UX Research and Test Early Concepts Coursera Quiz Ans

Hello Friends in this article i am gone to share Coursera Course: Conduct UX Research and Test Early Concepts All Weeks Quiz Answers with you..

Enroll: Conduct UX Research and Test Early Concepts


Conduct UX Research and Test Early Concepts is the fourth course in a certificate program that will equip you with the skills you need to apply to entry-level jobs in user experience (UX) design. In this course, you will learn how to plan and conduct a usability study to gather feedback about designs. Then, you will modify your low-fidelity designs based on insights from your research.

Current UX designers and researchers at Google will serve as your instructors, and you will complete hands-on activities that simulate real-


  • Plan and conduct moderated and unmoderated usability studies.
  • Synthesize observations from usability studies and come up with insights.
  • Share research methodology and insights using persuasive presentation skills.
  • Modify low-fidelity designs based on research insights.


  • User Experience (UX)
  • Usability Testing
  • UX Research
  • Prototype
  • User Experience Design (UXD)

Conduct UX Research and Test Early Concepts


Optional – Test your knowledge of prior concepts

Question 1)
What are some key benefits of considering accessibility in UX design? Select all that apply.

  • Creates solutions that often help everyone
  • Addresses societal structures and products rather than a person’s ability
  • Ensures underrepresented and excluded groups are taken into account
  • Addresses a11y ideas

Question 2
Which phase of the design sprint helps the team find solutions to build on?

  • Ideate
  • Understand
  • Prototype
  • Test
  • Decide

Question 3
What can a researcher learn when they properly empathize with users during user research?

  • The wants, desires, and fears of their users
  • The opinions, feelings, and biases of their users
  • The hopes, dreams, and assumptions of their users
  • The needs, behaviors, and motivations of their users

Question 4)
Which of the following are examples of pain points?

  • Completing the checkout process for a food delivery app
  • Receiving the same response to three different questions from an automated chatbot
  • Being asked to submit credit card information when no payment is required
  • Struggling to interact with a button on a mobile app’s homepage because it’s extremely small

Question 5)
You are designing a life-coaching app for people between the ages of 21 and 30. After conducting research with a diverse set of users, you discover that established professionals are three times more likely to use life-coaching services than those at the beginning of their careers. Which of the following is an example of a complete user persona for your user group?

  • Rita Dieguez, a 24-year-old who identifies as non-binary from Manaus, Brazil.
  • Liz Fontaine, a 27-year-old veterinarian who enjoys video games
  • Michael Embery, a 22-year-old from Indianapolis, Indiana who has a busy work schedule.
  • Nistha Dube, a 29-year-old engineer and foodie from Chennai, India, who makes viral cooking videos on the weekends. Nistha has been thinking about how to balance their career and their passion for food, but they also want to make more time for their mental health in their schedule.

Question 6)
Which of the following user stories is complete?

  • As a yoga instructor, I want to create a consistent class schedule so that my clients know how to confidently plan their weekly exercise.
  • I want a bookshelf so I have somewhere to store my book collection.
  • As a scientist, I want access to my colleagues’ published research.
  • As a chef, I want access to the freshest ingredients and the highest-quality cooking utensils.

Question 7)
Fill in the blank: Designing products with accessibility and inclusivity in mind ensures that you _____.

  • create an identical experience for all users
  • focus on creating one solution for as many people as possible
  • include solutions that benefit specific individuals, which improves the user experience for all users.
  • create a different solution for every single user.

Question 8)
Which of the following is a complete problem statement?

  • Akiko is a construction consultant who is building a skyscraper.
  • Hakim is an accountant who needs to collect expense reports from their coworkers.
  • Bella is a dance choreographer who needs to create a practice video because some of their students have school during the day and can’t attend lessons in person.
  • Angelo needs a toolbox and shingles to fix the leak in their roof.

Question 9)
Identify the steps of the ideation process in the correct order.

  • Documenting ideas, brainstorming, focusing on quantity, questioning obvious solutions, gathering a diverse team, and evaluating the ideas.
  • Gathering a diverse team, brainstorming, documenting ideas, questioning obvious solutions, focusing on quantity, and evaluating the ideas.
  • Brainstorming, documenting ideas, focusing on quantity, gathering a diverse team, questioning obvious solutions, and evaluating the ideas.

Question 10)
You’re a UX designer working on a gaming app in a competitive market space. You want to figure out what your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses are, and how to create a better product. What should you do?

  • Contact each company directly
  • Conduct informal research online
  • Conduct a competitive audit
  • Create a marketing plan

Question 11)
Which of the following scenarios would be most appropriate to use a close-up storyboard?

  • You create an app that connects people who are interested in gardening via a social forum. You want to implement an inbox feature and test whether or not users find it easy to use.
  • You are in the middle of the design process for a grocery delivery app. You want to pitch some ideas to the team about how the user could use it and benefit from it.
  • You begin creating a new finance management app. You need to demonstrate when and how a user might interact with it during a normal work day.

Question 12)
Which of the following UX tools and processes demonstrate the basic structure and layout of a design without including specific visual details?

  • Ideation exercises
  • Wireframes
  • Low-fidelity designs
  • High-fidelity designs

Question 13)
You are working on an app that connects users to tree removal services in their local area. You have already created paper wireframes and now it’s time to build the design on the computer. What is the next step?

  • Create a high-fidelity prototype
  • Create digital wireframes
  • Create high-fidelity mockups
  • Create a low-fidelity prototype

Question 14)
How is a prototype different from a wireframe?

  • A prototype is an interactive representation of a complete design solution that shows stakeholders how it will work. A wireframe is a single screen with basic elements that establishes the structure of a page.
  • A prototype is a single screen that shows all the details that will go into a final design. A wireframe is a set of interactive design solutions made up of many prototypes and demonstrates how the entire design works.
  • Wireframes and prototypes are both interactive representations of how a design works.
  • A wireframe is an interactive representation of a complete design solution that shows stakeholders how it will work. A prototype is a single screen with basic elements that establishes the structure of a page.

Question 15)
Identify the benefit of using paper prototypes in the design process

  • Paper prototypes allow rapid iterations and require low commitment
  • Paper prototypes require large amounts of time and resources to produce
  • Paper prototypes are polished and represent a final design solution
  • Paper prototypes are inexpensive and convey complex visual details

Question 16)
Fill in the blank: _____ is the collection of attitudes and stereotypes we associate to people without our conscious knowledge.

  • Sunk cost fallacy
  • Primacy bias
  • Implicit bias
  • Recency bias


Test your knowledge on UX research plans

Question 1)
Fill in the blank: Best practices for writing research questions include questions that are _____. Select all that apply.

  • actionable
  • neutral
  • specific
  • broad

Question 2)
Imagine you are preparing research questions for a fitness tracker design. Which of the following questions applies in a qualitative research method?

  • How often did the user access the app while walking?
  • How easy was it for users to access the app while walking?
  • How many miles did a user typically walk in a week?
  • How many times did the user access the app per day?

Question 3)
A research team measured the results of their fitness app prototype and found 40% of users completed all of the sign-up tasks. Which key performance indicator (KPI) demonstrates this measurement?

  • Time on task
  • Conversion rate
  • User error rate
  • Drop off rate

Question 4)
You want to quantifiably measure how well users completed tasks for your design prototype by asking users to complete a questionnaire that measures usability. Which KPI should you use?

  • User error rate
  • System Usability Scale
  • Conversion rate
  • Use of navigation vs. search


Test your knowledge on UX research participants and scripts

Question 1)
Why is it important to engage participants with diverse perspectives and abilities in a usability study? Select all that apply.

  • To identify a key user group to engage in future usability research studies
  • To investigate how people with disabilities interact with the product
  • To avoid sample bias for selected groups
  • To include participants with characteristics outside of the desired characteristics

Question 2)
Imagine you are developing a script for an upcoming usability study. Which of the following should you do in the introduction?

  • Remind participants there are no right or wrong answers
  • Remind participants to save their questions until the end
  • Ask participants clarifying questions
  • Assign participants usability tasks

Question 3)
Which of the following example script questions explicitly encourages elaboration?

  • How many attempts did you take to complete the activity?
  • Can you share why that activity was difficult for you?
  • Was the activity easy to complete?


Test your knowledge on user data and privacy

Question 1)
As a designer, respecting user privacy and securing user data is the right thing to do. Why is it important to protect user privacy? Select all that apply.

  • Complies with confidentiality laws and ethics
  • Protects a company’s brand
  • Ensures the project’s success
  • Reduces the risk of hacking

Question 2)
You are conducting research for a design project and need to collect user data for your study. What can you do to make sure privacy and security are part of your UX design and research practices?

  • Store participants’ data on local servers rather than cloud storage sites
  • Provide details about how you plan to use participants’ information and protect their privacy
  • Get consent from participants after you collect their data
  • Collect as much data from participants as possible to use in your future usability studies

Question 3)
What is considered personally identifiable information (PII) ? Select all that apply.

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Personal preferences
  • Phone number

Question 4)
What three main concerns should you consider for the safety of research data?

  • Data de-identification
  • Data retention
  • Data storage
  • Data recording

Weekly challenge 1: Build a research plan for your portfolio project

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Test your knowledge on the importance of usability studies

Question 1)
Why are usability studies important for UX research?

  • They provide user feedback that helps the design team make improvements to the user experience.
  • They solicit positive feedback from users.
  • They allow designers a final opportunity to get user feedback before production.

Question 2)
In unmoderated usability studies, participants test out the prototypes without human guidance. What are some benefits of an unmoderated usability study? Select all that apply.

  • Participants operate the product in a real-world environment.
  • Participants complete the tasks on their own time and in their own space.
  • Participants remain fully engaged as they complete the activities.
  • Participants may feel more comfortable giving feedback without others around.

Question 3)
Which of the following is a limitation of a moderated usability study?

  • The moderator can build rapport with participants.
  • The moderator can influence participants.
  • The moderator guides the participant through the study.
  • The moderator can follow up in real time.

Test your knowledge on usability study best practices

Question 1)
When conducting a usability study for a UX design prototype, what are some components that should be included? Select all that apply.

  • Sufficient sample of participants
  • List of tasks for participants to complete
  • Follow-up prompts or questions for participants
  • Assumptions of participant reactions

Question 2)
A UX team is building an app for a pharmacy pick-up service. They want to test a prototype in an unmoderated usability study. What should the researcher pay attention to while viewing the video of the participants?

  • How the app looks in the video
  • How each user responds to the tasks they are asked to perform
  • How well the app performed for the users who successfully completed each task
  • How the app’s code was written

Question 3)
During a moderated usability study, what techniques should you employ to effectively communicate with participants? Select all that apply.

  • Ask open-ended questions
  • Ask leading questions
  • Expand participant feedback with follow-up questions
  • Repeat participant feedback for clarity


Test your knowledge on potential biases during interview moderation

Question 1)
A UX researcher is conducting a usability study for a banking app. Some of the participants include people over the age of 60. The researcher assumes the participants will have difficulty using some of the app’s features due to their age. What type of bias is the researcher displaying?

  • Implicit bias
  • Social desirability bias
  • Serial position effect
  • Friendliness bias

Question 2)
At the beginning of a usability study, the moderator establishes a very strong rapport with the participants. As a result, the participants provide only positive feedback on the design prototype. What type of bias are the study participants displaying?

  • Friendliness bias
  • Serial position effect
  • Implicit bias

Question 3)
A designer conducts a usability study to get feedback on a map feature for a delivery app. One of the interview questions asks, “Did you like using the map feature to track your deliveries?” Which type of bias may occur if participants provide only favorable feedback?

  • Serial position effect
  • Social desirability bias
  • Implicit bias


Test your knowledge on bias during interviews

Question 1)
Which of the following is a good example of an open-ended interview question?

  • What tasks were difficult to understand or accomplish, and why?
  • Would you recommend this product to a friend?
  • Did you enjoy the designs?
  • Was the product easy to use?

Question 2)
Implicit bias is the tendency for people to answer questions in a way that will be viewed favorably by others.

  • True
  • False

Question 3)
Fill in the blank: To reduce the chance of designer biases leading you down the wrong path, you should define the _____ criteria before conducting interviews.

  • digital
  • design
  • research
  • fidelity


Weekly challenge 2: Conduct a usability study for your portfolio project

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Test your knowledge on synthesizing data into insights

Question 1)
Fill in the blank: Researchers need to transition data they receive from observations to insights. To do this, they first need to _____ all the data from the usability study in one place.

  • organize
  • analyze
  • categorize
  • gather

Question 2)
Once researchers identify common themes in the data, what is the next step?

  • Write an insight that tells the design team how to improve the product based on each theme.
  • Create an affinity diagram to organize the data for each theme.
  • Develop a hypothesis for a product improvement based on each theme.
  • Identify outliers and compare them to the common themes.

Question 3)
When UX designers synthesize data, what are they doing? Select all that apply.

  • Evolving their understanding of user problems
  • Collecting assumptions about users
  • Understanding methods of data collection
  • Combining ideas to draw conclusions

Question 4)
What is the difference between traditional and field research?

  • Traditional research focuses on collecting first-hand observations, while field research prioritizes data collection.
  • Field research focuses on collecting first-hand observations, while traditional research concentrates on compiling data.
  • Traditional research focuses on defining trends in the marketplace, while field research collects data on those trends.
  • Field research focuses on quality checking potential design features, while traditional research observes them.


Test your knowledge on strong insights

Question 1)
Which of the following are qualities of strong insights? Select all that apply.

  • Answer research questions
  • Inspire direct action
  • Increase empathy for the user experience
  • List observations
  • Easy to understand

Question 2)
A designer is gathering insights from a recent usability study for a new website design. Which of the following insights is grounded in real data?

  • Most users made the moderator feel happy about the study’s outcome by providing only positive feedback.
  • Users typically can find the home page of a website.
  • Most users successfully created a user account using the icon at the top of the page.
  • Users should be able to create a user account by scrolling to the account creation link.

Question 3)
Consider the following scenario:
A team is developing an online service that allows users to rent out tricycles in major cities, and they want to know how to improve the user experience. They conduct a usability study and discover that users like the idea of renting a tricycle. However, users find it inconvenient that the service is only accessible on desktop computers. Users say that if they were wandering the city, it would be nice to go to a storefront or kiosk for checkout.
Based on this scenario, which of the following is considered a strong insight?

  • Users like that the app allows tricycle rentals.
  • Users want the added option of renting tricycles at a physical location
  • Users think that it is inconvenient that they can only rent tricycles.
  • Users want more convenient features.

Question 4)
How do strong insights relate to a research question?

  • They answer the research question
  • They refute the research question
  • They suggest an alternative research question
  • They allow researchers to change the research question

Weekly challenge 3: Turn observations into insights for your portfolio project

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Test your knowledge on presenting research insights

Question 1)
Which of the following are best practices to deliver persuasive presentations? Select all that apply.

  • Avoid pauses
  • Be concise
  • Incorporate stories
  • Use a conversational tone
  • Make eye contact

Question 2)
Imagine that you have organized insights from a usability study led by your design team. Now, you want to create a presentation to share with your stakeholders. Identify the sections you should use to organize the slides. Select all that apply.

  • Themes
  • Participant profiles
  • Appendix
  • Insights and recommendations
  • Study details

Question 3)
When creating deliverables to share insights with stakeholders, what tool helps designers develop some of the content for presentations or reports?

  • Affinity diagram
  • Wireframe
  • Prototype
  • Research plan

Weekly challenge 4: Update your portfolio project research presentation

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