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Case Study: Corporate User Needs Access to a Network Drive Quiz Answer

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Case Study: Corporate User Needs Access to a Network Drive Quiz Answer

Several employees, Clarence and Shaun, are talking at the water cooler.

Clarence: Hey Shaun! Welcome, and nice to meet you.

How’s it going so far? Are you figuring everything out? Hopefully they showed you the documents for new employee onboarding and the ones on company products and processes. That information was helpful for me when I started.

Shaun: Hey, Clarence! Thanks for the advice. Anna in Human Resources emailed me a few files, but I don’t think she included the documents you’re talking about. Those sound important. Where can I find them?

Clarence: Oh, they’re spread out across the network drives. They’re mainly in the Employee Docs drive. We also have documents in other shared drives specific to different teams within the company: Sales, Operations, Marketing, Supply Chain, Accounting, Management, Products & Processes, and Knowledge Base. Reach out to IT so they can set you up with all the access that you need.

Shaun contacts IT through the company’s internal messaging system and interacts with Jaylyn, a service desk technician. The following interaction ensues.

Shaun: Good afternoon. Two days ago, I joined the marketing team as a Junior Market Research Analyst. I need access to a few network drives:Employee Docs, Sales, Operations, Marketing, Supply Chain, Accounting, Management, Products & Processes, and Knowledge Base.

Question 1)
How should Jaylyn respond to Shaun’s request?

  • Provide full access to each resource.
  • Provide the minimum access needed.
  • Provide limited time access, one resource at a time.
  • Provide full read-only access but limited read-write access.


Jaylyn: Hello, Shaun! I’m Jaylyn, and I can help you out. Please tell me what you need access to specifically, and then we can go from there.

Shaun Oh, I was told to check out the new employee onboarding documents and some information on company products and services.

Jaylyn: Got it. As a new employee, you should already have access to the Z:\\ drive, which is called Employee Docs. This drive is where you can find the onboarding documents.Do you see this drive listed in File Explorer on your computer, and can you access it?

Shaun Yes, I see it now, and I can access it just fine! Thank you.

Jaylyn: For you to see the other files, we’ll need to grant you access to at least one of the other drives you mentioned. Has your manager authorized you to access these files? If so, email me a copy of their authorization, and I can set up your access from there.Please make sure that they also approve the drives that you need to access the files.

Question 2)
What should Jaylyn do next?

  • Escalate this issue since it is a top priority.
  • Grant access now since Shaun’s manager may be busy.
  • Contact Shaun’s manager and start working on access setup.
  • Wait to receive evidence of authorization from Shaun’s manager.


Shaun contacts his manager, and his manager emails him her authorization for him to access the Marketing, Products & Processes, and Knowledge Base drives. He forwards this email to Jaylyn.

Question 3)
What should Jaylyn do now to ensure that Shaun can access the files that he has requested access to?

  • Change the authorization levels of all groups so that all employees can access these files.
  • Email him the files that he is now authorized to access and advise him to ask for more files if needed.
  • Verify that he uses a strong password and sets up multifactor authentication.
  • Assign him to an appropriate group with sufficient permissions to access the files.


Shaun works from home for the rest of the week and uses his work laptop.The shared network drives to which he has requested access are on the company’s onsite servers, so he wonders how he will access them from home.

Question 4)
How can Shaun access the company’s shared network drives from his work laptop when working from home?

  • He can use a company VPN.
  • He must return to the office.
  • He can rely on single sign-on (SSO).
  • He does not need to take extra steps.


Shaun is in the office the following week. After logging into his office computer, he finds that he can no longer access the network drives to which Jaylyn granted him access. He contacts Jaylyn again for assistance.

Question 5)
What should Jaylyn ask Shaun to do first?

  • Review discussion forums for answers to similar issues.
  • Ping the server and see if he receives an answer.
  • Have a colleague try connecting to the network drive.
  • Ask for Shaun’s consent to connect remotely to his computer.


Jaylyn helps Shaun troubleshoot this issue. She eventually instructs Shaun to reset TCP/IP on the computer, and this solution works.