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Case Study: Cloud Networking Using VPCs Quiz Answer

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Case Study: Cloud Networking Using VPCs Quiz Answer

Janet is a service desk technician at Freesoft, a software development company. She receives the following email from Michael, a developer who needs technical support:

From: michaelef@[]
To: techsupport@[]
Subject: Question about 3-Tier Application

As you know, our team uses a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to work on and run applications, and we’ve divided this network space into multiple subnets. We now have a 3-tier application comprised of web access instances, application tier instances, and backend database instances.

We are wondering how we should associate our instances in these three tiers with appropriate security groups. Can you suggest what we should do to provide the highest security to our 3-tier application?

Janet emails her suggestion to Michael.


Question 1)
What should Janet recommend?

  • Place the web access and application instances in one security group and the database instances in a second security group.
  • Place the web access instances in one security group, the application instances in a second security group, and the database instances in a third security group.
  • Place the web access instances in one security group and the application and database instances in a second security group.
  • Place the web access, application, and database instances together in a single security group.

For additional security, Janet recommends that Michael associate each subnet with a component that serves as a firewall.


Question 2)
Which component can Michael attach to a subnet to serve as the subnet’s firewall?

  • Access control list
  • Virtual machine
  • Load balancer
  • Security group

Janet provides more advice about how to use the VPC effectively.


Question 3)
What are three components of cloud VPCs? Select all that apply.

  • Virtual server instance
  • Public gateway
  • Virtual machine
  • Cloud object storage

Janet reminds Michael that he needs to include another component that ensures that applications remain available and responsive. This component should also help distribute workloads across multiple instances so that the load does not fall on one instance only.


Question 4)
Which component is Janet referring to?

  • VPN gateway
  • Public gateway
  • Subnet
  • Load balancer

Michael emails Janet back, thanking her for her advice. He asks one more question: why should his team continue using a VPC instead of an on-premises private cloud or a public cloud?


Question 5)
What is the advantage of using a VPC over a public cloud or an on-premises private cloud?

  • A VPC offers application portability not available with public cloud or on-premises private cloud.
  • A VPC offers the scalability of a public cloud and the security of a private cloud.
  • A VPC offers the compliance of a public cloud and the cost savings of a private cloud.
  • A VPC is provisioned internally, and the organization owns, manages, and operates it.