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Test your knowledge: Secure networks against Denial of Service (DoS) attacks Quiz Answers

In this article i am gone to share Coursera Course: Connect and Protect: Networks and Network Security Week 3 Practice Quiz | Test your knowledge: Secure networks against Denial of Service (DoS) attacks Quiz Answers with you..

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Test your knowledge: Secure networks against Denial of Service (DoS) attacks Quiz Answers

Question 1)
What type of attack uses multiple devices or servers in different locations to flood the target network with unwanted traffic?

  • Phishing attack
  • Tailgating attack
  • Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack
  • Denial of Service (DoS) attack

Question 2)
What type of attack poses as a TCP connection and floods a server with packets simulating the first step of the TCP handshake?

  • SYN flood attack
  • SYN-ACK flood attack
  • On-path attack
  • ICMP flood

Question 3)
Fill in the blank: The Denial of Service (DoS) attack _____ is caused when a hacker sends a system an ICMP packet that is bigger than 64KB.

  • SYN flood
  • On-path
  • Ping of Death
  • ICMP flood

Question 4)
Which types of attacks take advantage of communication protocols by sending an overwhelming number of requests to a server? Select all that apply.

  • SYN flood attack
  • TCP connection attack
  • ICMP flood attack
  • Tailgating attack