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Test your knowledge: OWASP principles and security audits Quiz Answers

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Test your knowledge: OWASP principles and security audits Quiz Answers

Question 1)
A security analyst disables certain software features to reduce the potential vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit at their organization. Which OWASP security principle does this scenario describe?

  • Fix security issues correctly
  • Separation of duties
  • Minimize the attack surface
  • Defense in depth

Question 2)
Fill in the blank: A security _____ is a review of an organization’s security controls, policies, and procedures against a set of expectations.

  • survey
  • audit
  • examination
  • classification

Question 3)
A security professional closely examines their organization’s network, then evaluates potential risks to the network. Their goal is to ensure internal safeguards and processes are effective. What security concept does this scenario describe?

  • Controls assessment
  • Communicating results
  • Compliance regulations
  • Security recommendations

Question 4)
A security professional is asked to communicate the results of an internal security audit to stakeholders. What should be included in that communication? Select three answers.

  • A summary of the audit’s scope and goals
  • A list of questions for stakeholders to answer
  • A list of risks and compliance requirements that need to be addressed
  • A recommendation about how to improve the organization’s security posture