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Test your knowledge: NIST frameworks Quiz Answers

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Test your knowledge: NIST frameworks Quiz Answers

Question 1)
What is the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF)?

  • A collection of security principles focused on maintaining confidentiality, integrity, and availability
  • A set of security controls that help analysts determine what to do if a data breach occurs
  • Standards, guidelines, and best practices that organizations follow voluntarily in order to manage cybersecurity risk
  • A required business framework for ensuring security updates and repairs are successful

The NIST CSF is a voluntary framework that consists of standards, guidelines, and best practices to manage cybersecurity risk.


Question 2)
Fill in the blank: The five core functions that make up the CSF are: identify, protect, detect, _____, and recover.

  • reevaluate
  • respond
  • regulate
  • reflect

The five core functions that make up the CSF are: identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover.


Question 3)
Fill in the blank: The CSF _____ function relates to monitoring systems and devices in an organization’s internal network to help security teams manage potential cybersecurity risks and their effects.

  • recover
  • respond
  • identify
  • protect

The CSF identify function relates to monitoring systems and devices in an organization’s internal network to help security teams manage potential cybersecurity risks and their effects.


Question 4)
What does a security analyst’s work involve during the CSF recover function?

  • Contain, neutralize, and analyze security incidents
  • Protect an organization through the implementation of employee training
  • Return affected systems back to normal operation
  • Pinpoint threats and improve monitoring capabilities

During the recover function, a security analyst’s work involves returning affected systems back to normal operation.