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Test your knowledge: Overview of intrusion detection systems (IDS) Quiz Answer

In this article i am gone to share Coursera Course: Sound the Alarm: Detection and Response Week 4 Practice Quiz | Test your knowledge: Overview of intrusion detection systems (IDS) Quiz Answer with you..

Enroll Link: Sound the Alarm: Detection and Response

About this Course : This is the sixth course in the Google Cybersecurity Certificate. These courses will equip you with the skills you need to apply for an entry-level cybersecurity job. You’ll build on your understanding of the topics that were introduced in the fifth Google Cybersecurity Certificate course.

Also visit:  Test your knowledge: Log components and formats Quiz Answer


Test your knowledge: Overview of intrusion detection systems (IDS) Quiz Answer

Question 1)
A security analyst uses a network protocol analyzer to capture HTTP traffic to analyze patterns. What type of data are they using?

  • Network telemetry
  • False positive
  • Host-based
  • Signature-based

Question 2)
Which statement accurately describes the difference between a network-based intrusion detection system (NIDS) and a host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS)?

  • A NIDS is installed on individual devices; a HIDS is installed on a network.
  • A NIDS is installed on a network; a HIDS is installed on individual devices.
  • A NIDS only detects known threats; a HIDS detects unknown threats.
  • A NIDS uses signature analysis to detect threats; a HIDS uses agents.

Question 3)
Fill in the blank: The _____ component of an IDS signature includes network traffic information.

  • header
  • rule options
  • action
  • signature ID

Question 4)
A security analyst creates a Suricata signature to identify and detect security threats based on the direction of network traffic. Which of the following rule options should they use?

  • Content
  • Message
  • Rev
  • Flow