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Test your knowledge: More SQL filters Quiz Answers

In this article i am gone to share Coursera Course: Tools of the Trade: Linux and SQL Week 4 Practice Quiz | Test your knowledge: More SQL filters Quiz Answers with you.. 

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Test your knowledge: More SQL filters Quiz Answers

Question 1)
Which filter outputs all records with values in the date column between ’01-01-2015′ (January 1, 2015) and ’01-04-2015′ (April 1, 2015)?

  • WHERE date BETWEEN ’01-01-2015′ AND ’01-04-2015′;
  • WHERE date < ’01-04-2015′;
  • WHERE date > ’01-01-2015′;
  • WHERE date BETWEEN ’01-01-2015′, ’01-04-2015′;

Question 2)
Which operator is most efficient at returning all records with a status other than ‘successful’?

  • OR
  • NOT
  • AND

Question 3)
You are working with the Chinook database. You want to find the first and last names of customers who have a value in the country column of either ‘Brazil’ or ‘Argentina’. Replace –??? with the missing information to complete the query. (If you want to undo your changes to the query, you can click the Reset button.)

SELECT firstname, lastname, countryFROM customers–???
SELECT firstname, lastname, country
FROM customers

How many customers are from Brazil or Argentina?

  • 4
  • 1
  • 6
  • 5

Question 4)
While working as an analyst, you encounter a query that includes the following filter:

SELECT * FROM customers WHERE country = ‘USA’ AND state = ‘NV’;

What will this query return?

  • Information about customers who do not have a value of ‘USA’ in the country column or do not have a value of ‘NV’ in the state column.
  • Information about customers who have a value of ‘USA’ in the country column or a value of ‘NV’ in the state column.
  • Information about customers who have a value of ‘USA’ in the country column and a value of ‘NV’ in the state column.
  • Information about customers who do not have a value of ‘USA’ in the country column but do have a value of ‘NV’ in the state column.