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Test your knowledge: Manage file content in Bash Quiz Answers

In this article i am gone to share Coursera Course: Tools of the Trade: Linux and SQL Week 3 Practice Quiz | Test your knowledge: Manage file content in Bash Quiz Answers with you..

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Also Visit:  Test your knowledge: Navigate the Linux file system in Bash Quiz Answers


Test your knowledge: Manage file content in Bash Quiz Answers

Question 1)
What two arguments commonly follow the grep command?

  • The file to move and the new file location
  • The file to write to and the string to add to it
  • The string to search for and the file to search through
  • The file name to search for and the directory to search through

Question 2)
In Linux, what does the piping command (|) do?

  • It sends the standard input of one command as standard output to another command for further processing.
  • It searches a specified file and returns all lines in the file containing a specified string.
  • It sends the standard output of one command as standard input to another command for further processing.
  • It moves a file or directory to a new location.

Question 3)
A security professional enters cp vulnerabilities.txt /home/analyst/projects into the command line. What do they want the operating system to do?

  • Remove the vulnerabilities.txt file from the projects directory
  • Search for the string vulnerabilities.txt in the projects directory
  • Copy the vulnerabilities.txt file into the projects directory
  • Create a new file named vulnerabilities.txt in the projects directory

Question 4)
What command creates a new file called failed_logins.txt?

  • find failed_logins.txt
  • touch failed_logins.txt
  • mkdir failed_logins.txt
  • rm failed_logins.txt