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Test your knowledge: Authenticate and authorize users Quiz Answers

In this article i am gone to share Coursera Course: Tools of the Trade: Linux and SQL Week 3 Practice Quiz | Test your knowledge: Authenticate and authorize users Quiz Answers with you..

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Test your knowledge: Authenticate and authorize users Quiz Answers

Question 1)
What is authorization?

  • The concept of granting access to specific resources in a system
  • The concept of granting only the minimal access and authorization required to complete a task or function
  • The process of temporarily granting elevated permissions to specific users
  • The process of a user proving that they are who they say they are in the system

Question 2)
Which of the following statements correctly describe the file permissions string -rw-rw-rw-? Select two answers.

  • The user has write permissions.
  • The user and group have execute permissions.
  • The group has read permissions.
  • The file type is a directory.

Question 3)
A security professional enters chmod g+w access.txt into the command line. What does this command tell the operating system to do?

  • Remove write permissions from the group for the access.txt file
  • Add write permissions to the group for the access.txt file
  • Remove write permissions from the user for the access.txt file
  • Add write permissions to the user for the access.txt file

Question 4)
Which of the following commands typically must be used with sudo? Select three answers.

  • useradd
  • userdel
  • chown
  • chmod

Question 5)
A security analyst is updating permissions on a directory named projects. The current permissions are drwxrw-r–. They want to add execute permissions for the group. What do they enter on the command line?

  • chmod g-x projects
  • chmod x+x projects
  • chmod u-x projects
  • chmod g+x projects