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Test your knowledge: Digital and physical assets Quiz Answer

In this article i am gone to share Coursera Course: Assets, Threats, and Vulnerabilities Week 1 Practice quiz | Test your knowledge: Digital and physical assets Quiz Answer with you..

Enroll Link: Assets, Threats, and Vulnerabilities

This is the fifth course in the Google Cybersecurity Certificate. These courses will equip you with the skills you need to apply for an entry-level cybersecurity job. You’ll build on your understanding of the topics that were introduced in the fourth Google Cybersecurity Certificate course.

Also visit:  Test your knowledge: Introduction to assets Quiz Answer


Test your knowledge: Digital and physical assets Quiz Answer

Question 1)
What is the practice of keeping data in all states away from unauthorized users?

  • Network
  • Information security
  • Cybersecurity
  • Asset

Question 2)
An employee is promoted to a new role, so their workstation is transferred to a different office. As the employee’s workstation is being relocated, what data state are its files in?

  • At rest
  • In transit
  • In use
  • In storage

Question 3)
What is an example of data in transit?

  • A manager is editing a report on their computer.
  • A user logs in to their online account to review their messages.
  • A sent email is traveling over the network to reach its destination.
  • A spreadsheet file is saved on an employee’s hard drive.

Question 4)
Fill in the blank: Data is in use when it is being _____ by one or more users.

  • accessed
  • ignored
  • transported
  • classified