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Self-review: Designing a business computer setup quiz answers

In this article, I will share the quiz answers for the Week 4 Module on Self-review: Designing a business computer setup from the “Introduction to Computers” course by Microsoft.


Self-review: Designing a business computer setup quiz answers


In this exercise, you assumed a support role at a marketing business, assisting a new employee. Specifically, you were tasked with creating a comprehensive computer setup for an employee that offered tailored solutions to enhance the employee’s productivity and offer reasons why each item you chose is a good fit. Now, it’s time to assess your comprehension through the upcoming questions. Feel free to revisit previous sections for a quick refresher.

Question 1)
What is the purpose of creating a customized computer system for the new video editor at the marketing company?

  • To provide a stable operating system for general computer tasks.
  • To ensure compatibility with the company’s network.
  • To meet the specific requirements of video editing tasks.

Question 2)
Which hardware component is essential for video editing tasks?

  • A high-resolution LCD monitor.
  • A powerful CPU and ample RAM.
  • A dedicated graphics card with GPU integration.

Question 3)
Which software is commonly used for professional video editing?

  • Adobe Premiere Pro.
  • Microsoft Word.
  • Google Chrome.

Question 4)
Where can the employee store his project files to be accessed from any location?

  • Local hard drive.
  • Microsoft OneDrive.
  • External hard drive.

Question 5)
What is the benefit of using a 4K Ultra HD monitor for video editing?

  • Smoother playback.
  • Faster video rendering.
  • Accurate color representation.

Question 6)
What is the purpose of configuring an anti-virus software like Windows Defender?

  • To protect the computer system from malware and viruses.
  • To provide a stable operating system for general computer tasks.
  • To enhance video rendering and playback performance.

Question 7)
What is the benefit of using a dedicated graphics card with GPU integration for video editing?

  • Accurate color representation.
  • Enhanced video rendering and playback performance.
  • Faster video encoding.

Question 8)
Why is it important to create a customized computer system for the employee’s video editing tasks?

  • To provide a stable operating system for general computer tasks.
  • To meet general computer requirements.
  • To ensure optimal performance and efficiency.

Question 9)
What is the benefit of using a 1TB SSD for video rendering and storage?

  • Accurate color representation.
  • Fast access to large video files.
  • Smoother video playback.

Question 10)
What is the employee’s role in this scenario?

  • Software developer
  • Video editor
  • Network administrator