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Python for everybody Week 4 Quiz Answer

Hello Friends in this article i am gone to share Coursera Course: Python Data Structures Week 4 Quiz Answers with you..

Python Data Structures

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Python Data Structures Week 4 Quiz Answers

Question 1)
Which Python keyword indicates the start of a function definition?
  • help
  • rad
  • break
  • def
Question 2)
In Python, how do you indicate the end of the block of code that makes up the function?
  • You put a # character at the end of the last line of the function
  • You de-indent a line of code to the same indent level as the def keyword
  • You add a line that has at least 10 dashes
  • You put the colon character (:) in the first column of a line
Question 3)
In Python what is the raw_input() feature best described as?
  • A conditional statement
  • A data structure that can hold multiple values using strings as keys
  • A built-in function
  • A reserved word
Question 4)
What does the following code print out?
def thing():
  ย  print 'Hello'
print 'There'
  • thing
  • Hello
  • There
  • def
Question 5)
In the following Python code, which of the following is an “argument” to a function?
x = 'banana'
y = max(x)
print y
print x
  • y
  • x
  • print
  • max
Question 6)
What will the following Python code print out?
def func(x):
ย  ย  print x

  • 10
  • 20
  • y
  • ย x
  • func
Question 7)
Which line of the following Python program is useless?
def stuff():
  ย  print 'Hello'
  ย  return
ย  ย  print 'World'
  • stuff()
  • print ‘Hello’
  • def stuff():
  • stuff()
  • print ‘World’
  • return
Question 8)
What will the following Python program print out?
def greet(lang):
  ย  if lang == 'es':
  ย  ย  ย  return 'Hola'
  ย  elif lang == 'fr':
  ย  ย  ย  return 'Bonjour'
  ย  else:
  ย  ย  ย  return 'Hello'
print greet('fr'),'Michael'
  • Bonjour Michael
  • Hello Michael
  • def Michael
  • Hola
  • Bonjour
  • Hello
  • Michael
Question 9)
What does the following Python code print out? (Note that this is a bit of a trick question and the code has what many would consider to be a flaw/bug – so read carefully).
def addtwo(a, b):
  ย  added = a + b
ย  ย  return a

x = addtwo(2, 7)
print x
  • 2
  • 9
  • addtwo
  • Traceback
Question 10
What is the most important benefit of writing your own functions?
  • Following the rule that no function can have more than 10 statements in it
  • Avoiding writing the same non-trivial code more than once in your program
  • To avoid having more than 10 lines of sequential code without an indent or de-indent
  • Following the rule that whenever a program is more than 10 lines you must use a function

Week 4 Assignment

4.6 Write a program to prompt the user for hours and rate per hour using raw_input to compute gross pay. Award time-and-a-half for the hourly rate for all hours worked above 40 hours. Put the logic to do the computation of time-and-a-half in a function called computepay() and use the function to do the computation. The function should return a value. Use 45 hours and a rate of 10.50 per hour to test the program (the pay should be 498.75). You should use raw_input to read a string and float() to convert the string to a number. Do not worry about error checking the user input unless you want to – you can assume the user types numbers properly.
python code..
def computepay(h,r):
  ย  if h > 40:
  ย  ย  ย  return (40*r)+(h-40)*(r*1.5)
  ย  else:
  ย  ย  ย  return h*r
hrs = raw_input("Enter Hours:")
rate = raw_input("Enter Rate:")

hrs = float(hrs)
rate = float(rate)

p = computepay(hrs, rate)
print p