All Coursera Quiz Answers

Module quiz: Operating systems quiz answers

In this article, I will share the quiz answers for the Week 1 Module on Operating Systems from the “Introduction to Computers” course by Microsoft.


Module Quiz: Operating Systems Quiz Answers

Question 1)
What distinguishes distributed operating systems from other types of operating systems?

  • Distributed operating systems allow multiple users to work in tandem by compartmentalizing each user’s actions and only allowing one user control at any given time.
  • Distributed operating systems connect several dispersed CPUs to execute tasks.
  • Distributed operating systems allocate a unit of time called a quantum to each task.

Question 2)
Complete the following sentence. Plug-and-play is the process of connecting a device to a computer and allowing the operating system to install a ___________ automatically.

  • Device driver
  • User interface
  • Application software

Question 3)
Complete the following sentence. Linux is an ________ source operating system that can be used for computing or mobile devices.

  • open
  • closed
  • proprietary

Question 4)
What characteristic of proprietary software (PS) distinguishes it from open-source software (OSS)?

  • OSS ensures that any alterations made to the code are for the betterment of the users and done by professionals.
  • PS typically comes with dedicated drivers, allowing developers to interact with the program efficiently.
  • OSS contains extensive documentation on the changes and appropriate use.

Question 5)
Complete the following sentence. System software refers to the programs that manage and control the basic operations of a computer system, including the ____________.

  • Application software
  • Utility software
  • Operating system

Question 6)
True or False: A higher refresh rate reduces motion blur and improves viewing experience.

  • True
  • False

Question 7)
What is the purpose of the CPU (Central Processing Unit) in a computer?

  • To store long-term memory
  • To measure the clock speed of the RAM
  • To process data and execute instructions

Question 8)
Hardware refers to the physical components required to build a computer.

  • True
  • False

Question 9)
What does the term “threat landscape” encompass?

  • All potential vulnerabilities of an application, the attackers that may be targeting this area, and the attacks that are used.
  • The process of migrating from an on-premises environment to a cloud-based environment.
  • The physical security measures implemented to prevent theft or damage to a business premise.

Question 10)
Which of the following is an example of utility software?

  • Media player
  • Antivirus program
  • Word processor