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Microsoft Azure Services and Lifecycles Week 4 Quiz Answer

 In this article i am gone to share Coursera Course: Microsoft Azure Services and Lifecycles Week 4 Quiz Answer with you..

Microsoft Azure Services
and Lifecycles Week 4 Quiz Answer

Also visit this link: Microsoft Azure Services and Lifecycles Week 3 Quiz Answer


Week 4 Quiz Answers

Question 1)
Your company is planning on migrating to Azure cloud services. However, before this happens management requires some comparisons of the costs involved in using cloud services as opposed to an on-premises solution. What would be the first step you could take to provide this comparison information?
  • Assume that the cost of running workloads on Azure are similar as running workloads on-premises.
  • Setup some resources in Azure as this is a free service.
  • Run the Total Cost of ownership Calculator.
Question 2)
You work for a large manufacturing company and are planning on moving to Azure cloud services. You want to avail of the best pricing Microsoft has to offer on their Azure services. Which Azure service should you purchase?
  • An Enterprise agreement
  • Through a Cloud Solution Provider (CSP)
  • Buy Directly from the web
Question 3)
Your company’s development team create virtual machines for testing on a regular basis. These test machines are only used during certain times. In your opinion what is the most efficient way to save costs on virtual machines when they are not in use?
  • Deallocate the virtual machines when they are not in use.
  • Delete the virtual machines when they are not in use because once they are deleted, they will not incur any charges.
  • Use virtual machines that are only chargeable when accessed remotely.
Question 4)
True or False?
Azure Advisor helps you identify unused or under-utilized resources and can recommend unused resources that you can remove.
  • True
  • False
Question 5)
If you have a free trial subscription to Azure and you reach your credit limit during the trial period, what will happen to your resources?
  • You can carry on and access existing resources, but you will not be able to create new resources.
  • Your existing Azure resources are removed from production and your Azure virtual machines are stopped and deallocated.
  • The oldest resources will be deleted once the credit limit has been reached allowing you to create new resources.


Knowledge check

Question 1)
True or False?
A service-level agreement (SLA) is a formal agreement between a service company and the customer. On Azure, this agreement defines the performance standards that Microsoft commits to for you, the customer. However, in order to view an SLA, you must have an Azure Subscription.
  • True
  • False
Question 2)
Downtime refers to the time duration that the service is unavailable, how much cumulative downtime per year will an SLA percentage of 99.95 give?
  • 3.65 days
  • 52.56 minutes 
  • 8.76 hours
  • 4.38 hours
Question 3)
Azure cloud services continue to release new features. Prior to release these new services go through various stages of testing such as pre-release and Beta. Which of the following will allow all Azure customers an opportunity to test the beta and other pre-release features?
  • Private Preview
  • Public Preview
  • General availability
Question 4)
Which of the following define performance targets such as uptime?
  • Service Level Agreements
  • Support plans
  • Usage Meters


Test prep

Question 1)
Following your company’s migration to Azure, you have discovered that some of your development teams are creating resources for test purposes without considering the costs involved. You need to implement restrictions on the number and type of resources that they can create simultaneously.
What solution can you implement to help with this issue?
  • Create a subscription for the development team and apply spending limits to that subscription
  • You cannot limit resource creation.
  • Assign a company budget to the development team as part of their overall annual budget.
Question 2)
In your opinion is the following statement correct or incorrect? 
Select Yes if you believe it to be correct and No if you believe it to be incorrect.
Incoming and outgoing network traffic to and from a VM in chargeable in Azure.
  • Yes 
  • No 
Question 3)
In your opinion is the following statement correct or incorrect?
Select Yes if you believe it to be correct and No if you believe it to be Incorrect.
Azure Reservations offer discounted prices on certain Azure services and to receive these discounts you must pay in advance.
  • Yes (Correct)
  • No (Incorrect)
Question 4)
Downtime refers to the time duration that the service is unavailable, how much cumulative downtime per year will an SLA percentage of 99.99 give?
  • 52.56 minutes 
  • 3.65 days
  • 4.38 hours
  • 8.76 hours
Question 5)
Azure cloud services continue to release new features. Prior to release, these new services go through various stages of testing such as pre-release and Beta. Which of the following will receive support but Service Level Agreements will not apply?
  • Private Preview
  • General availability
  • Public Preview