Coursera Answers

Cybersecurity Awareness and Innovation Coursera Quiz Answers

Hello Friends in this article i am gone to share Coursera Course: Cybersecurity Awareness and Innovation All Weeks Quiz Answers with you..

Cybersecurity Awareness and Innovation

Enroll Link: Cybersecurity Awareness and Innovation


It’s not you, it’s me! What’s going on?

This course empowers students, professionals and the wider community to deal with cybersecurity attacks and risks focused on identity management and it is an introduction to the upcoming full course focused on cybersecurity awareness.

It provides a practical overview of challenging issues like identity credentials management and security, e-mail threats and web impersonation, or web hacking. In addition to this, you will have a practical appreciation of innovation applied to these concepts through an interview with a renowned expert in fraud and cybercrime. The teaching staff consists of Iván Pau, UPM researcher and expert in usable security, and Román Ramírez, hacker and cybersecurity expert.

Learning will be carried out by introducing use cases related to cybersecurity incidents, in a way that ensures participants to get really involved in the course. You will easily acquire practical skills and be ready to face real threats in a digital world.

This course is part of an online programme developed by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (world-class tech university renowned for the quality of its education programmes and the research undertaken at its centres), Ferrovial (the world’s leading private investor in cities and infrastructures, with a workforce of more than 74.000 employees and operations in more than 16 countries) and EIT Digital.


  • Cybersecurity awareness mainly focused on identity management
  • Understanding of effective protection mechanisms against common threats related with Identity
  • Capacity to devise disruptive ideas related with identity protection

Cybersecurity Awareness and Innovation Coursera Quiz Answers


Identity Credentials

Question 1)
How many digital identities should a person have?

  • Just one.
  • As many as the person considers for different aspects of her/his life.
  • Zero. The virtual identity is a source of attacks.

Question 2)
Is it possible to have more than one credential for one Digital Identity?

  • Yes
  • No

Question 3)
What are the different types of existing credentials:

  • Something you have
  • Something you have visited
  • Something you are eating
  • Something you are
  • Something you are dressing
  • Something you know

Question 4)
Which of the next is an example of “something I have” credential?

  • A Password
  • My birthday
  • My fingerprint
  • A USB Cryptographic Token


Weak password

Question 1)
What are the most important characteristics of robust password?

  • It is not related with something personal
  • It seems pseudorandom
  • It is large
  • It is related with something personal
  • It is made with numbers


Password management

Question 1)
What is the best method to support your password management?

  • Install a password manager in your systems
  • Use the same password in all your accounts
  • Use variations of the same password in all your accounts


Social engineering

Question 1)
In social engineering attacks:

  • Mobile terminals increase the degree of user confidence
  • Mobile terminals are not used
  • Mobile terminals protect users

Question 2)
The “anchoring” cognitive bias:

  • Is one of the problems for final users to update passwords
  • Refers to the necessity to be accepted as a member of a community
  • Is the tendency to accept changes slowly

Question 3)
Mark the correct answer. In Social engineering:

  • The target of the attack is your understanding of the technology
  • The target of the attack is your mind
  • The target of the attack is the way you use the technology
  • The target of the attack is the interface of the technology


Mail Impersonation

Question 1)
What is the main aim of Phishing?

  • Reveal sensitive information in a massive way
  • Reveal sensitive information of a specific person
  • Take control of someone’s computer
  • Trick someone to take some action

Question 2)
Which of the following email addresses seems suspicious considering that you are communicating with ACME’s services ( ?

Question 3)
When you receive an email from an unusual sender, what aspects should you consider at first to rule out email fraud?

  • The email has been sent today
  • The email address
  • Grammar of the message
  • The email application you are using
  • The personalization level of the email


Basis of encryption

Question 1)
Which of the following statements about cryptography is correct?

  • It’s easier to attack the encrypted message than the key
  • It’s easier to attack the key than the encrypted message
  • Both the key and the encrypted message are easy to attack

Question 2)
About public key cryptography

  • Users must share their private key
  • Avoids the dangers of interception in key exchange
  • Users must keep all their passwords secret

Question 3)
Public Key Cryptography is not a complete security solution by itself because:

  • You must be confident that a public key belongs to a certain identity, which requires the support of other systems.
  • It is a weak and easy to break cryptography that must be complemented with secret key cryptography
  • At the end you have to share your private key


IT Stuff

Question 1)
Regarding pendrives, which strategy is the most appropriate from a security point of view?

  • If you find it abandoned you can connect it without fear as long as you have an antivirus
  • If it is merchandising from a well-known company you can connect it to your computer without fear.
  • As far as possible, avoid connecting it to your device if it is not yours.

Question 2)
Which of the following statements is correct?

  • Antivirus/antimalware cannot be installed on smartphones.
  • Antivirus/antimalware cannot detect all malware.
  • If you have an antivirus installed, you can open any file downloaded from the Internet without fear.

Question 3)
What is the safest combination when working with your IT device?

  • Active screen lock, work with an account with an administrator role, and short passwords so that they are easy to remember and you can change them frequently.
  • Work with an account without administrator priviledges, and short passwords so that they are easy to remember and you can change them frequently.
  • Active screen lock, work with an account with an administrator role, and long passwords even if they are not easy to remember.
  • Active screen lock, work with an account without administrator priviledges, and long passwords even if they are not easy to remember.



Question 1)
What classical protection methods must be redesigned by security admins and developers in the current (mobile) world?

  • Control of physical access to devices and installed applications.
  • Biometric-based authentication and location systems.
  • All the classical protections works regardless of the latest mobility trends.

Question 2)
A gang of thieves found out you’re leaving your house for three days. How could they (probably) find out?

  • You posted photos enyoing yourself on the beach while you were there.
  • You posted photos of a cat you saw on the street, but your mobile phone saves the location in the photo.
  • You wrote a reply in an Internet forum on a technical topic related to your work.
  • You made a comment on a social network about what you like about an artist’s new song.
  • You have installed a workout application that shares your workout routines on a map.
  • All of the above are correct.

Question 3)
I have Spyware on my mobile phone. What’s the most likely way it was installed?

  • I downloaded an application from a forum website that I use.
  • I have a lot of applications installed.
  • I am not a computer scientist.
  • All of the above

Question 4)
Select the most frequent threats on Wifi networks:

  • Open access point in public places
  • Your organization’s corporate network
  • Your home’s wireless network
  • Trusted VPN



Question 1)
Do you think that a smartphone synchronized with a cloud service (supported by encryption) completely keep your privacy?

  • It depends on the ownership of the key. If you can apply end-to-end encryption (only you have the key), privacy is guaranteed.
  • No, because the cloud service always knows the encryption key.
  • Yes, because all the information is encrypted.

Question 2)
Which backup options are the most suitable from a security point of view?

  • Planned backup of files to an external hard disk
  • Folder synchronized with a generic cloud service
  • Online backup service
  • All the above


Practice Peer-graded Assignment: Brief cybersecurity study Answer





Question 1)
What are the factors that must be considered to validate a business idea?

  • It depends on the idea according to this methodology
  • Just the own idea o the technology behind the business proposal
  • Team, resources, idea and business model
  • Team, resources and business model

Question 2)
How can you have success in adopting a customer-oriented approach regarding your entrepeneurial idea?

  • Based on identifying a real need to be addressed, in a sector where competitors are already making big money and enhancing your competitive advantages
  • Based on identifying a real need to be addressed, in a sector where there is no real competition
  • Enhancing your competitive advantages
  • None of the above

Question 3)
According to cybersecurity startup Enigmedia founder, which are the main competitors did they face?

  • It really depends on the stage of the industrial cybersecurity sector or its verticals, facing different ones
  • Its value proposition was so innovative that there were no relevant competitors to deal with
  • Just risks mitigation services companies
  • None of the above


Question 1)
How should you pitch your business proposal to potential clients?

  • Jump to your solution: that’s what the client just want to know!
  • First, talk about the problem to be addressed in general terms before showing the solution
  • Talk about the overall problem to be addressed, but also emphasize some direct problems the client should we worried about, even before jumping to your solution
  • First of all, talk about your solution, competitors and end with some details about the direct problem you are supposed to solve

Question 2)
What kind of structure of contents is recommended when pitching to clients or investors?

  • Problem – solution (proof, benefits) – next steps – team – vision of the future
  • Solution (proof, benefits) – problem – team – next steps
  • Problem – solution (proof, benefits) – team – vision of the future – next steps
  • Problem – solution (proof, benefits) – team – next steps – vision of the future