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Case Study: Intellectual Property and DRM Quiz Answer

In this article i am gone to share Coursera Course: Technical Support Case Studies and Capstone Week 4 Practice Quiz | Case Study: Intellectual Property and DRM Quiz Answer with you..

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Case Study: Intellectual Property and DRM Quiz Answer

A tech support agent named Rita opens a chat with a user named Emily. The following conversation ensues:

Emily: Hi, I’m Emily, and I’m a sales associate here at the company. I’m trying to use some software I found online to analyze our revenue growth in a particular department. My colleague and I were wondering whether we’re doing anything unethical here.
Rita: Hi, Emily, I’m Rita. Could you please help me understand the context – what are you trying to do with the software?
Emily: Oh, of course. This is purely educational endeavor for us, and we are trying to use a publicly available reporting software to chart revenue growth to understand our sales revenues better. We may end up using some aggregated customer information and financial information, but just as statistics.
Rita: So you’re not developing any new software yourself. Is the software labeled as open source or free?
Emily: Yes, it says it’s a free version. However, we don’t want to accidentally put the company at risk by creating any issues with IP.

Question 1)
Which of the following are considered intellectual property (IP)?

  • Customer SSNs
  • Company financial records
  • Patient health records
  • Original code that a company has developed


Rita: Ok, I see. You are using free versions of software for evaluation purposes. No problem there since it isn’t using someone else’s IP.

Emily: Oh, good! I notice that while the software is free, there are some features that aren’t available. Do you know why that might be happening?


Question 2)
What helps prevent digital assets from being copied or pirated?

  • GDPR
  • DMCA
  • DRM


Rita: Free versions are often limited until a user pays for the full version. Then they can access extra features. That’s a form of DRM.

Emily: Oh, good to know. I’m still a little worried that I don’t understand all the details. I want to be sure we’re not violating the company’s security policies while we’re working on this project.

Rita: I can point you to the webpage that spells out our data integrity policies in detail. I think that will be a good resource. Please feel free to reach out again if you have more questions

Emily: Great, thanks, that will be very helpful!
On the website, Emily reads the following policies:

Integrity and Efficiency: We strive for the highest level of data integrity for the information we use to serve our customers and to help our employees work at their best.


Question 3)
What is data integrity?

  • Data integrity guarantees that data is accurate, complete, and consistent.
  • Data is protected from unauthorized access.
  • Authorized users have immediate and reliable access to their data.
  • Confidential information is kept secret to prevent identity theft or compromised accounts and systems.

Confidentiality: Data in our company’s system should be treated with the utmost respect. Any confidential data should be carefully protected and used appropriately.

Question 4)
Which one of the following is NOT confidential data?

  • A company’s software licenses
  • Credit card numbers
  • Company websites
  • Industrial designs and trade secrets


Integrated Security Program: To protect confidential data in our care, we use a comprehensive security program that incorporates the CIA triad.

Question 5)
What is the CIA triad?

  • A set of principles: confidentiality, integrity, and availability
  • A form of encryption and multifactor authentication
  • A workflow: contain, integrate, and then apply
  • A regulatory group


Emily bookmarks the website and feels more confident about continuing with her department’s project.