
6.1.5 Check Your Understanding

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Digital Forensics and Incident Analysis and Response

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6.1.5 Check Your Understanding – Identify the Type of Evidence

6.1.5 Possession of the Accused

Question 1) This is a multiple choice question. Once you have selected an option, select the submit button below

Which type of evidence was indisputably in the possession of the accused?

  • direct evidence
  • indirect evidence
  • corroborating evidence
  • best evidence


6.1.5 Best Evidence

Question 2) This is a multiple choice question. Once you have selected an option, select the submit button below

Which type of evidence supports an assertation that is developed from best evidence?

  • indirect evidence
  • corroborating evidence
  • direct evidence
  • best evidence


Establishes a Hypothesis

Question 3) This is a multiple choice question. Once you have selected an option, select the submit button below

Which type of evidence is circumstantial evidence that, in combination with other facts, establishes a hypothesis?

  • corroborating evidence
  • indirect evidence
  • best evidence
  • direct evidence


Original State

Question 4) This is a multiple choice question. Once you have selected an option, select the submit button below

Which type of evidence is in its original state?

  • direct evidence
  • best evidence
  • corroborating evidence
  • indirect evidence