
3.1.3 Check Your Understanding

In this article i am gone share CISCO Course Introduction to Internet Of Things: Everything Generates Data | 3.1.3 Check Your Understanding – Big Data: Volume, Velocity, or Variety Characteristics with you..

Introduction to Internet Of Things: Everything Generates Data

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3.1.3 Check Your Understanding – Big Data: Volume, Velocity, or Variety Characteristics

Check your understanding of volume, velocity and variety by choosing the correct answer to the following questions.

Question 1) Which of the following refers to different types of data?

  • Variety
  • Volume
  • Velocity

Question 2) Which of the following refers to data coming in quickly?

  • Volume
  • Velocity
  • Variety

Question 3) Which of the following refers to a lot of data?

  • Variety
  • Velocity
  • Volume

In this article i am gone share CISCO Course Introduction to Internet Of Things: Everything Generates Data | 3.1.33 Check Your Understanding – Big Data: Volume, Velocity, or Variety Characteristics with you..In this article i am gone share CISCO Course Introduction to Internet Of Things: Everything Generates Data | 3.1.3 Check Your Understanding – Big Data: Volume, Velocity, or Variety Characteristics with you..In this article i am gone share CISCO Course Introduction to Internet Of Things: Everything Generates Data | 3.1.33 Check Your Understanding – Big Data: Volume, Velocity, or Variety Characteristics with you..