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Test your knowledge: The user interface Quiz Answers

In this article i am gone to share Coursera Course: Tools of the Trade: Linux and SQL Week 1 Practice Quiz | Test your knowledge: The user interface Quiz Answers with you..

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Test your knowledge: The user interface Quiz Answers

Question 1)
What is a GUI?

  • A user interface that only runs on mobile devices
  • A user interface that enables people to manage tasks on a computer using icons
  • A user interface that allows people to interact with a computer through commands
  • A user interface that runs only on Linux operating systems

A GUI, or graphical user interface, is a user interface that enables people to manage tasks on a computer using icons. Most operating systems can be used with a GUI.


Question 2)
Which of the following can be components of a GUI? Select all that apply.

  • Task bar
  • Start menu
  • Hardware
  • Desktop icons and shortcuts

Question 3)
Fill in the blank: A security professional uses a(n) _____ to interact with a computer using text-based instructions.

  • GUI
  • operating system
  • CLI
  • text system

Question 4)
A useful feature of a CLI is that it records a history file of commands and actions.

  • True
  • False