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Test your knowledge: Navigate the Linux file system in Bash Quiz Answers

In this article i am gone to share Coursera Course: Tools of the Trade: Linux and SQL Week 3 Practice Quiz | Test your knowledge: Navigate the Linux file system in Bash Quiz Answers with you..

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Test your knowledge: Navigate the Linux file system in Bash Quiz Answers

Question 1)
What is a command?

  • The highest-level directory in Linux
  • A component of the Linux architecture
  • An instruction that tells a computer to do something
  • A common shell in many Linux distributions

Question 2)
Which of the following commands prints the working directory to the screen?

  • cat
  • head
  • pwd
  • ls

Question 3)
What does the cd command do?

  • Displays the names of files in the current directory
  • Navigates between directories
  • Outputs a specified string of text
  • Prints the working directory to the screen

Question 4)
A security professional enters head access.txt into a shell. What are they telling the operating system to do?

  • Display the first 10 lines of access.txt
  • Return the content of access.txt one page a time
  • Add a header to the file named access.txt
  • Remove the first 5 lines of access.txt

Question 5)
What is the difference between an absolute file path and a relative file path?

  • An absolute file path ends with a forward slash (/), and a relative file path ends with a backslash (\).
  • An absolute file path starts from the root, and a relative file path starts from the current directory.
  • An absolute file path starts from the current directory, and a relative file path starts from the root.
  • An absolute file path ends with a backslash (\), and a relative file path ends with a forward slash (/).