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Programming Assignment: Building a functional program Solution

In this article i am gone to share Programming with JavaScript by meta Week 3 | Programming Assignment: Building a functional program Solution with you..

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Lab Instructions: Building a Functional Program

In this exercise you’ll get hands-on practice with functional programming concepts.

Tips: Before you Begin

To view your code and instructions side-by-side, select the following in your VSCode toolbar:

  • View -> Editor Layout -> Two Columns
  • To view this file in Preview mode, right click on this file and Open Preview
  • Select your code file in the code tree, which will open it up in a new VSCode tab.
  • Drag your assessment code files over to the second column.
  • Great work! You can now see instructions and code at the same time.

To run your JavaScript code

  • Select your JavaScript file
  • Select the “Run Code” button in the upper right hand toolbar of VSCode. Ex: It looks like a triangular “Play” button.

Task 1: Build a function-based console log message generator

In this exercise, your task is to code a function named consoleStyler, which accepts four parameters:

  • color
  • background
  • fontSize
  • txt

Inside the body of the consoleStyler() function declaration, you need to do the following:

  1. Create a new variable named message, and assign the following to it on the very first line inside the consoleStyler() function body.:

    "%c" + txt;
  2. Create a style variable and assign the following to it on the next line:

    `color: ${color};`
  3. Next, update the style variable (using the += operator) with the following code:

    `background: ${background};`
  4. Then, update the style variable (again, using the += operator) with the following code:

    `font-size: ${fontSize};`
  5. Finally, console log the message and style variables inside the consoleStyler function declaration.

Hint: Be sure to use backticks (“) when updating your variable styles and not single (”) or double (“”) quotes.

Task 2: Build another console log message generator.

Your task is to code another function, and name it celebrateStyler(). The function accepts a single parameter, reason, which should be of string data type.

Inside the function declaration’s body, code the following:

  1. A new variable, named fontStyle, assigning it this code:

    "color: tomato; font-size: 50px";
  2. On the next line, an if statement, verifying that reason == "birthday".

  3. Inside the body of the if block, code the following:

    console.log(`%cHappy birthday`, fontStyle);
  4. On the next line, add an else if, and inside the parentheses, check that

    reason == "champions"
  5. Inside the else if block, add this code:

    console.log(`%cCongrats on the title!`, fontStyle);
  6. Add an else block, with the following code inside of it:

    console.log(message, style);

Task 3: Run both the consoleStyler and the celebrateStyler functions

  1. Invoke the consoleStyler() function, with the following arguments:

    • '#1d5c63'

    • '#ede6db'

    • '40px'

    • 'Congrats!'

  2. Next, invoke the celebrateStyler() function, with the following argument:

    • 'birthday'


Task 4: Insert a congratulatory and custom message

  1. Code another function, named styleAndCelebrate().
    The function declaration’s body should consist of two function invocations:

    consoleStyler(color, background, fontSize, txt);  
  2. Next, invoke the new function, using the following arguments:

    • 'ef7c8e'
    • 'fae8e0'
    • '30px'
    • 'You made it!'
    • 'champions'


Final Step: Let’s submit your code!

Nice work! To complete this assessment:

  1. Save your file through File -> Save
  2. Select “Submit Assignment” in your Lab toolbar.

Your code will be autograded and return feedback shortly on the “Grades” tab.
You can also see your score in your Programming Assignment “My Submission” tab.

Great job! Please continue to the next lesson.


Programming Assignment: Building a functional program Solution

  • Copy & paste this code on functionalprogramming.js File..
  • And save your file and then submit.
// Task 1: Build a function-based console log message generator
function consoleStyler(color, background, fontSize, txt) {
    var message = "%c" + txt;
    var style = `color: ${color};`
    style += `background: ${background};`
    style += `font-size: ${fontSize};`
    console.log(message, style)

// Task 2: Build another console log message generator
function celebrateStyler(reason) {
    var fontStyle = "color: tomato; font-size: 50px"
    if (reason == "birthday") {
        console.log(`%cHappy birthday`, fontStyle)
    } else if (reason == "champions") {
        console.log(`%cCongrats on the title!`, fontStyle)
    } else {
        console.log(message, style)

// Task 3: Run both the consoleStyler and the celebrateStyler functions
consoleStyler('#1d5c63', '#ede6db', '40px', 'Congrats!')

// Task 4: Insert a congratulatory and custom message
function styleAndCelebrate(color, background, fontSize, txt, reason) {
    consoleStyler(color, background, fontSize, txt)  

// Call styleAndCelebrate
styleAndCelebrate('#1d5c63', '#ede6db', '40px', 'Congrats!', 'champions')