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Module quiz: Secure software configurations Quiz Answers

In this blog post, I will be sharing the answers to the Module 1 Quiz titled “Secure Software Configurations Quiz Answers” from the Coursera course “Essential Aspects of Software, Hardware, and Data Backup.”

Enroll Link: Essential Aspects of Software, Hardware, and Data Backup


Module quiz: Secure software configurations Quiz Answers

Question 1)
Which of the following security measures are considered forms of defense-in-depth (DiD)? Select all that apply.

  • Encryption of data
  • Using a password that is easy to remember
  • Not using unsecured wi-fi networks when dealing with sensitive data
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

Question 2)
What is the purpose of user authentication in a system?

  • To ensure only authorized individuals have access to sensitive data and systems
  • To detect malware and prevent it from entering a system or network
  • To create obstacles for employees to overcome
  • To allow unlimited access to all users

Question 3)
You need to install an application on an employee’s laptop that enables that employee to open compressed folders. What is a critical step in preventing the installation of malware-infected software?

  • Disabling User Account Control (UAC)
  • Ignoring software permissions
  • Downloading software only from the official developer’s website or a trusted repository
  • Ensuring that your devices meet the system requirements specified by the software developer

Question 4)
Fill in the blank: Companies often offer ______ to encourage people to report software flaws.

  • Updates
  • Bounties
  • Patches
  • Performance improvements

Question 5)
Fill in the blank: An end-user license agreement (EULA) may specify any guarantees or disclaimers regarding the performance or functionality of the software, stating that the software is provided “as is” without any warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. This is an example of the software developer or vendor limiting their ___________.

  • Liability
  • Support
  • Updates
  • Use cases

Question 6)
Fill in the blank: Single sign-on (SSO) authenticates the user once and grants access to multiple applications without the need for repeated ____________.

  • Authentication
  • Password changes
  • Authorization
  • Updates

Question 7)
Your system has become infected by malware that is replicating itself and spreading through the organization. It can accomplish this without the use of a host file or program.

True or False: Based on the description above, your system has been infected with a virus.

  • False
  • True

Question 8)
You’ve recently purchased a brand new laptop with the latest operating system installed. Excited to try out all the features, you find a highly-rated photo editing software online that seems perfect for your needs. The website looks legitimate, and the program promises some amazing features.

Before hitting the download button, you remember something about compatibility checks. Why is it important to conduct system compatibility checks before installing this new photo editing software?

  • To speed up the installation process
  • To increase the number of attack surfaces on the system
  • To avoid inadvertently installing malware
  • To ensure the software functions properly and avoids system crashes

Question 9)
At work, one of your co-workers is conducting business activities on a personal computer. This includes accessing the company system and downloading files. What is the practice of using devices and programs not officially sanctioned by the IT department called?

  • Shadow IT
  • Dark IT
  • Rogue IT
  • Underground IT

Question 10)
True or False: Software firewalls implement predefined security rules to block or permit network traffic.

  • False
  • True