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Module quiz: Project Leadership Answer Key

In this article, I’m providing complete and accurate answers to the Module 3 quiz of Microsoft’s “Team Building and Leadership in Project Management” course. The answers cover the “Project Leadership” quiz, ensuring 100% correctness and covering all aspects of the course material. / Module quiz: Project Leadership Answer Key


Module quiz: Project Leadership Answer Key

Question 1)
What are the focus areas of a project manager? Select all that apply.

  • Team empowerment
  • Relationship building
  • Control Resources
  • Tasks coordination

Question 2)
In an hospital emergency, the head nurse guides a tight-knit team of experts. With years of experience together, the team works seamlessly even under intense pressure. During a busy shift the head nurse assigns tasks like triage and treatment, trusting her team. She steps back to oversee operations while allowing team members to exercise their expertise and judgment. Which of the following best describes the leadership approach of the head nurse?

  • Autocratic
  • Democratic
  • Transactional
  • Laissez-faire

Question 3)
Which style of leadership sees a leader-follower relationship in the form of rewards and punishment?

  • Authoritarian
  • Transformational
  • Situational
  • Transactional

Question 4)
What is the primary purpose of using ingratiation as a social influence tactic?

  • To create fear and anxiety in others
  • To share specialized knowledge and expertise
  • To enforce compliance through punishment
  • To gain favor or acceptance through flattery

Question 5)
Which of the following are functional attributes of servant leadership? Select all that apply

  • Trust
  • Persuasion
  • Modeling
  • Visibility

Question 6)
You are leading a team to develop a software application. The team is facing technical and timeline challenges. You have decided to consistently support your team members by providing them with necessary resources and encouraging open communication. Which servant leadership trait are you exhibiting?

  • Foresight
  • Accountability
  • Stewardship
  • Community building

Question 7)
A project leader is planning to design and implement a leadership development program within the organization. What is the first crucial step to the program’s success?

  • Performance reviews
  • Employee participation
  • Senior leadership approval
  • Succession planning

Question 8)
A tech corporation is facing a potential leadership crisis because of various factors. The company is considering strategies to address this crisis, including whether to promote from within or recruit externally. What is the key advantage of promoting from within?

  • Reduced training costs
  • Familiarity with the company’s culture and values
  • Access to wider talent pool
  • Ability to bring in fresh perspectives

Question 9)
John, a fresh graduate, joined the team for a complex tech project. After joining he felt unsure about his long term career goals and lacked guidance on how to advance in his profession. What is the most appropriate leadership development approach he should opt for?

  • Delegating
  • Coaching
  • Mentoring
  • Instructing

Question 10)
A project leader is going for an unplanned vacation and she needs to delegate a substitute to coordinate with the stakeholders in her absence. A team member that enjoys initiating conversations, feels energized during meetings, and easily builds rapport with others could be an ideal candidate. What personality trait is she looking for?

  • Conscientiousness
  • Neuroticism
  • Extraversion
  • Agreeableness

Extra Questions Added

Note: For additional resources, also check out: Microsoft Project Management Fundamentals: Coursera Quiz Answers

Question 11)
True or False? Encouraging productive collaboration and building trust among team members and project stakeholders is the core trait of management.

  • True
  • False

Question 12)
You are leading a project team tasked with organizing a charity event. The team consists of volunteers with varying experience in event planning. What leadership style would be most appropriate in this situation?

  • Servant leadership
  • Democratic
  • Directive leadership
  • Laissez-faire

Question 13)
There is no single leadership style best for every team or given situation. Therefore a project leader should adapt their leadership approach that best suits the team’s needs and given circumstances. What is the first line of action the project leader should take in the adaptability?

  • Seek feedback from peers about the adaptability
  • Leader’s personal preferences
  • Evaluate organization financial performance
  • Access team dynamics

Question 14)
True or False? Despite many similarities between servant and transformational leadership styles, transformational leaders focus on service to the team members, while servant leaders focus on the organization.

  • True
  • False

Question 15)
A project leader encourages open communication and listens to her team members’ concerns and ideas. She maintains eye contact and attentively listens to her team members’ concerns and ideas, ensuring everyone feels heard and valued. Which aspect of servant leadership is the project leader demonstrating?

  • Foresight
  • Active listening
  • Stewardship
  • Empowerment

Question 16)
In the context of leadership development, a systematic approach prepares individuals to fill the key leadership roles and to ensure leadership continuity and smooth operation is called ____________?

  • Coaching
  • Mentoring
  • Succession planning
  • 360 degree feedback

Question 17)
Sarah, a team member of your project, is struggling to meet deadlines and feels overwhelmed by her workload. She is having difficulty prioritizing tasks and managing her time effectively. What mode of leadership development should you choose to help Sarah overcome her situation?

  • Coaching sessions
  • Mentoring sessions
  • Pairing with a senior team member
  • Group training

Question 18)
During project meetings, you notice a team member who frequently offers new and innovative solutions and enjoys discussing various possibilities and outcomes for the project. Which personality trait is this team member most likely experiencing? ?

  • Agreeableness
  • Openness
  • Extraversion
  • Conscientiousness