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Module quiz: Database design Quiz Answers

In this article i am gone to share Coursera Course: Introduction to Databases for Back-End Development by Meta Week 4 | Module quiz: Database design Quiz Answers with you..

Also visit:  Module quiz: SQL operators and sorting and filtering data Quiz Answers


Module quiz: Database design

Question 1)
A logical database schema introduces a blueprint of how the data is organized and related in tables.

  • True
  • False

Question 2)
Which column is the primary key in the following Patients table?


Patient Name Date Of Birth Email
Karl 19/03/2000 [email protected]
Mark 20/05/1999 [email protected]
Peter 10/03/2001 [email protected]
Peter 19/03/2000 [email protected]
  • Email
  • Date of Birth
  • Patient name

Question 3)
A foreign key is used to connect tables in a database.

  • False
  • True

Question 4)
The normalization process aims to reduce the negative effects of the different types of data anomalies.

  • False
  • True


Question 5)
Identify the issue with the following table of data in accordance with the rules of first normal form criteria

Department ID Department Name Director Course ID Course Name Tutor ID Tutor
D1 Computing Dr Karl C1 Database T1 Mark
D1 Computing Dr Karl C2 Python T1 Mark
D1 Computing Dr Karl C3 Web T2 Jack
D1 Computing Dr Karl C4 Java T2 Jack
D1 Math Dr Mosa C5 Math T3 Rose


  • Duplication of data.
  • Atomicity problem.


Question 6)
To normalize the following table of data, you must decompose it into how many tables?

Department ID Department Name Director Course ID Course Name Tutor ID Tutor
D1 Computing Dr Karl C1 Database T1 Mark
D1 Computing Dr Karl C2 Python T1 Mark
D1 Computing Dr Karl C3 Web T2 Jack
D1 Computing Dr Karl C4 Java T2 Jack
D1 Math Dr Mosa C5 Math T3 Rose


  • Two tables (departments and courses).
  • Three tables (departments, courses, and tutors).
  • Four tables (departments, directors, courses, and tutors).


Question 7)
The table below contains a composite primary key made up of the columns “Tutor ID” and “Subject”. What kind of normalization problem does this composite key create?

Tutor ID Subject Credits
T1 Java 20
T1 Web 15
T2 Math 15
T2 History 20


  • Second normal form partial dependency
  • First normal form data redundancy


Question 8)
Which of the following statements is the correct syntax to define a foreign key that links the “Players” and “Games” table in an ER diagram?


  • CREATE TABLE Games( gameID int NOT NULL, playerID int, PRIMARY KEY (gameID), FOREIGN KEY (playerID) REFERENCES players(playerID));
  • CREATE TABLE Games( gameID int NOT NULL, playerID int, PRIMARY KEY (gameID), FOREIGN KEY (gameID) REFERENCES players(gameID));


Question 9)
A database relation is in second normal form if it is in first normal form and every non key attribute is __________ functionally dependent on the primary key.

  • Fully
  • Partially

Question 10)
Database normalization is a progressive process, which means that the database relation cannot be in the third normal form if it is not already applying the rules of the first and the second normal forms.

  • True
  • False