10 Days Of JavaScript

Day 4: Create A Rectangle Object Solution

Hello Friends in this article i am gone to share Hackerrank 10 days of javascript solutions with you. | Day 4: Create A Rectangle Object Solution.

Also visit this link:  Day 3: Throw Solution


Day 4: Create A Rectangle Object Solution


In this challenge, we practice creating objects.


Complete the function in the editor. It has two parameters: a and b. It must return an object modeling a rectangle that has the following properties:

  • length: This value is equal to a.
  • width: This value is equal to b.
  • perimeter: This value is equal to 2 * (a + b).
  • area: This value is equal to a * b

Note: The names of the object’s properties must be spelled correctly to pass this challenge.

Input Format

The first line contains an integer denoting a.
The second line contains an integer denoting b.


  • 1 <= a, b<= 100

Output Format

Return a object that has the properties specified above. Locked code in the editor prints the returned object’s length, width, perimeter, and area to STDOUT.

Sample Input 0


Sample Output 0


Explanation 0

Given a length of a = 4 and a width of b = 5, the Rectangle object’s perimeter is 4 + 4 +5 + 5 = 18 and its area is 4*5 = 20.


Solution – Day 4: Create A Rectangle Object

'use strict';


let inputString = '';
let currentLine = 0;

process.stdin.on('data', inputStdin => {
    inputString += inputStdin;

process.stdin.on('end', _ => {
    inputString = inputString.trim().split('\n').map(string => {
        return string.trim();

function readLine() {
    return inputString[currentLine++];

 * Complete the Rectangle function
function Rectangle(a, b) {
    this.length = a;
    this.width = b;
    this.perimeter = 2 * (a + b);
    this.area = a * b;

function main() {
    const a = +(readLine());
    const b = +(readLine());
    const rec = new Rectangle(a, b);

Complete the function in the editor. It has two parameters: a and b. It must return an object modeling a rectangle that has the following properties: Complete the function in the editor. It has two parameters: a and b. It must return an object modeling a rectangle that has the following properties: