
6.3.2 Educational and Business Opportunities Quiz

In this article i am gone share CISCO Course Introduction to Internet Of Things: Everything Generates Data | 6.3.2 Educational and Business Opportunities Quiz with you..

Introduction to Internet Of Things: Everything Generates Data

Also visit this link:  5.3.2 Check Your Understanding – Create a Strong Password


6.3.2 Educational and Business Opportunities Quiz

Question 1)
Which IoT-related job would deal with the development and implementation of the underlying technologies within the digital world?
  • enablers
  • engagers
  • educators
  • enhancers
Question 2)
True or False?
Even though IoT is considered an enabling technology, not all jobs created are IT-related.
  • True
  • False

In this article i am gone share CISCO Course Introduction to Internet Of Things: Everything Generates Data | 6.3.22 Educational and Business Opportunities Quiz with you..In this article i am gone share CISCO Course Introduction to Internet Of Things: Everything Generates Data | 6.3.2 Educational and Business Opportunities Quiz with you..In this article i am gone share CISCO Course Introduction to Internet Of Things: Everything Generates Data | 6.3.22 Educational and Business Opportunities Quiz with you..In this article i am gone share CISCO Course Introduction to Internet Of Things: Everything Generates Data | 6.3.2 Educational and Business Opportunities Quiz with you..In this article i am gone share CISCO Course Introduction to Internet Of Things: Everything Generates Data | 6.3.22 Educational and Business Opportunities Quiz with you..In this article i am gone share CISCO Course Introduction to Internet Of Things: Everything Generates Data | 6.3.22 Educational and Business Opportunities Quiz with you..In this article i am gone share CISCO Course