Create Machine Learning Models in Microsoft Azure Quiz Answers Coursera
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Microsoft Azure Machine Learning for Data Scientists Quiz Answers

Hello Friends in this article i am gone to share Coursera Course: Microsoft Azure Machine Learning for Data Scientists All Weeks Quiz Answers with you..

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Microsoft Azure Machine Learning for Data Scientists Quiz Answers


Knowledge Check Quiz Answers

Question 1)
True or False?
Machine learning is a technique that uses statistics to create a model that can predict unknown values.

  • True
  • False

Question 2)
What model is best suited for predicting categories or classes?

  • Classification
  • Time series forecasting
  • Regression

Question 3)
True or False?
The “Predicted vs. True” chart shows a diagonal trend in which the predicted value correlates closely to the true value.

  • True
  • False

Question 4)
If you want to automatically pre-process the features before training, what setting should you use?

  • Explain best model
  • Enable featurization
  • Training job time

Question 5)
In a residual histogram, what do residuals represent?

  • Variance between predicted and false values that cannot be explained by the model
  • Variance between predicted and true values that cannot be explained by the model
  • Variance between predicted and false values that can be explained by the model


Test Prep Quiz Answers

Question 1)
A hospital wants to categorize patients that are pregnant as low-risk or high-risk regarding complications based on data like patient age and known medical conditions. What kind of machine learning model should the hospital use?

  • Regression
  • Classification
  • Time series forecasting

Question 2)
Which of the following are machine learning models?
Select all that apply.

  • Time series forecasting
  • Regression
  • Polarization

Question 3)
A meteorological institute wants to predict, based on data from the past, how much it will rain next Sunday. What machine learning model is the best fit for this case?

  • Time series forecasting
  • Classification
  • Regression

Question 4)
A toy company wants to predict the daily demand in order to assure that they have the necessary stock to honour all orders. What machine learning model can be used in this case?

  • Classification
  • Regression
  • Clustering

Question 5)
True or False?
Azure Machine Learning includes an automated machine learning capability that leverages the scalability of cloud compute to automatically try multiple pre-processing techniques and model-training algorithms in parallel to find the best performing supervised machine learning model for your data.

  • True
  • False

Question 6)
True or False?
A bike rental company can use historic data to train a model that predicts daily rental demand in order to make sure sufficient staff and cycles are available.

  • True
  • False

Question 7)
What setting should you configure if you want to end the experiment if the model achieves a certain score or less on normalized root mean squared error metric?

  • Blocked algorithms
  • Metric score threshold
  • Training compute target



Knowledge Check Quiz Answers

Question 1)
True or False?
Regression is a form of machine learning that is used to predict an item’s feature based on the numeric label.

  • True
  • False

Question 2)
In order to use Azure Machine Learning, what should you create in your Azure subscription?

  • A SQL Server
  • A Machine Learning Workspace
  • An App Service Plan

Question 3)
Suppose you created a machine learning model and you want to train it. Which compute target should you use?

  • Compute Instances.
  • Inference Clusters
  • Compute Clusters

Question 4)
True or False?
To train a regression model, you need a dataset that includes historical features and known label values.

  • True
  • False

Question 5)
You are planning on using Azure Machine Learning. From a payment plan perspective, what costs should you expect?

  • One-time license
  • Monthly subscription
  • Pay-for-what-you-use


Test Prep Quiz Answers

Question 1)
What features and capabilities are available in Azure Machine Learning?
Select all that apply.

  • Train models
  • Monitor usage of used services
  • Prepare data
  • Publish predictive services

Question 2)
True or False?
After creating and running a pipeline to train the model, you need a second pipeline that performs the same data transformations for new data, and then uses the trained model to predict label values based on its features.

  • True
  • False

Question 3)
What type of compute resources can be created in Azure Machine Learning Studio?

  • Compute instances
  • Compute clusters
  • Attached compute
  • Inference clusters
  • Spot clusters

Question 4)
You are creating a training pipeline for a regression model and you want to make sure that the dataset is complete, otherwise you need to perform various operations to fix the data. Which module should you add to the pipeline?

  • Select columns in a dataset
  • Clean missing data
  • Normalize data

Question 5)
You are creating a training pipeline for a regression model and your dataset contains hundreds of columns. For a particular part of your model, you want to use data only from some specific columns. Which module should you add to the pipeline?

  • Select columns in a dataset
  • Clean missing data
  • Normalize data

Question 6)
Which of the following scenarios can be resolved by using a regression model?

  • Predict yearly income of customers based on their occupation, age, education etc.
  • Predict selling price of a car using data like engine size, mileage, number of seats etc.
  • Determine if patients with some pre-existing conditions are more likely to suffer from diabetes
  • Predict daily rental demand of bicycles by using historic data.

Question 7)
You created a machine learning model and trained it. Now you want to run the model to predict data. Which compute target should you use?

  • Compute Instances
  • Compute Clusters
  • Inference Clusters



Knowledge Check Quiz Answers

Question 1)
True or False?
Classification is a form of machine learning that is used to predict which category, or class, an item belongs to.

  • True
  • False

Question 2)
You use Azure Machine Learning designer to create a training pipeline for a classification model. What must you do before deploying the model as a service?

  • Clone the training pipeline with a different name
  • Add an Evaluate Model module to the training pipeline
  • Create an inference pipeline from the training pipeline

Question 3)
A health clinic is planning on using datasets that contain characteristics of patients to predict whether the patient has a risk of diabetes or not. Can this task be accomplished with the help of classification?

  • Yes
  • No

Question 4)
What values/cases does a confusion matrix present?
Select all options that apply.

  • True positives
  • True negatives
  • False negatives
  • False positives

Question 5)
What are the two best metrics to assess model classification performance?

  • Accuracy
  • Recall
  • Precision


Test Prep Quiz Answers

Question 1)
Which metric presents the ratio of correct predictions (true positives + true negatives) to the total number of predictions?

  • Accuracy
  • F1 Score
  • Recall
  • Precision

Question 2)
You use an Azure Machine Learning designer pipeline to train and test a binary classification model. You review the model’s performance metrics in an Evaluate Model module, and note that it has an AUC score of 0.6. What can you conclude about the model?

  • The model can explain 60% of the variance between true and predicted labels.
  • The model performs better than random guessing
  • The model predicts accurately for 40% of cases

Question 3)
Which metric presents the fraction of positives cases correctly identified?

  • F1 Score
  • Accuracy
  • Precision
  • Recall

Question 4)
Which of the following scenarios can be resolved by applying classification models?

  • A toy company wanting to determine which clients are inclined to buy a specific toy.
  • A company who wants to predict the churn rate of their subscribers for next month.
  • A bank wanting to determine if a specific set of clients are eligible for taking a loan.

Question 5)
Which of the following are models that help predict between two or several categories?
Select all that apply.

  • Multi-class neural network
  • Two-class decision forest
  • Two-class logistic regression
  • Linear Regression

Question 6)
True or False?
Classification is an example of a supervised machine learning technique in which you train a model using data that includes both the features and known values for the label, so that the model learns to fit the feature combinations to the label.

  • True
  • False

Question 7)
You are using Azure Machine Learning designer to create a training pipeline for a binary classification model.At some point, you want to separate the data into training and testing sets. Which model should you add to the pipeline?

  • Select columns in dataset
  • Split data
  • Join data



Knowledge Check Quiz Answers

Question 1)
True or False?
Clustering is a form of machine learning that is used to group similar items into clusters based on their predictions.

  • True
  • False

Question 2)
What type of machine learning technique does clustering examples?

  • Unsupervised
  • Supervised
  • Reinforcement

Question 3)
You create a machine learning experiment based on a clustering model. Now you want to use the model in an inference pipeline. Which module should you use to infer cluster predictions from the model?

  • Score model
  • Assign data to clusters
  • Train clustering model

Question 4)
When using a clustering module, what algorithm let’s you group items into a number of clusters you specify?

  • K-Means algorithm
  • B: L-Means algorithm
  • C-Means algorithm

Question 5)
Suppose you are testing a K-Means clustering model. If you would want your model to assign items to one of four clusters, which parameter/property should you configure on the module?

  • Set random seed to 4
  • Set number of centroids to 4
  • Set stratified split


Test Prep Quiz Answers

Question 1)
Which of the following is a clustering algorithm?

  • Two-Class Neural Network
  • Two-Class Logistic Regression
  • K-Means

Question 2)
What is the purpose of a clustering model?

  • Answers simple two-choice questions
  • Makes forecasts by estimating the relationship between values
  • Separates similar data points into intuitive groups

Question 3)
Which of the following scenarios can be resolved by applying clustering modules/algorithms?
Select all that apply.

  • A radio company that wants to apply tags (like rock, pop, R&B etc) to songs or artists.
  • A bike rental company that wants to predict the number of customers for the next day so that it will assure the necessary staff and cycles.
  • A social media company that wants to group similar users based on their posts.

Question 4)
When evaluating a clustering model, what metrics can you visualize in the Evaluate results section?
Select all that apply.

  • Average distance to other center
  • Average distance to cluster center
  • Number of points
  • Maximal distance to cluster center

Question 5)
You are building an Azure Machine learning pipeline that involves a clustering module. You need to prepare the data and change some of the numeric values from the dataset to use a common scale, without distorting differences in the ranges of values or losing information.
Which module should you apply?

  • Split data
  • Normalize Data
  • Edit metadata

Question 6)
True or False?
Clustering is an example of supervised machine learning, in which you train a model to separate items into clusters based purely on their characteristics or features.

  • True
  • False

Question 7)
A Hospital Care chain wants to open a series of Emergency-Care wards within a region. The chain knows the location of all the maximum accident-prone areas in the region. They have to decide the number of the Emergency Units to be opened and the location of these Emergency Units, so that all the accident-prone areas are covered in the vicinity of these Emergency Units.
Which type of machine learning model is best to be applied in this scenario?

  • Clustering
  • Regression
  • Classification



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