IBM Cloud

Create a starter Node js application with a Cloudant DB service

Hello Friends in this article i am gone to share Create a starter Node js application with a Cloudant DB service with you..

Also visit: Deploy Application Using Command line interface IBM Cloud

Create a starter Node js application with a Cloudant DB Service  IBM Cloud


  • Create a starter Node.js application with a Cloudant DB service from a Node.js Cloudant Sample Git repository.
  • Review the service environment variables.

Step 1: Creating a Cloudant DB Instance

  • Log in to your IBM Cloud account.
  • Click on Catalog tab & Search for Cloudant in the box provided and choose Cloudant as shown in the image below.

Cloudant tab

  • A default name for your service instance is generated. 
Note:(You can change the service name, if required)
Select the IAM and legacy credentials option from the available authentication methods and click Create.


Create Cloudant


Step 2: Creating a Node.js application with a Cloudant DB service

  • Go to IBM Cloud Dashboard page.
  • Click the Catalog tab. Search for Cloud Foundry in the box provided and choose Cloud Foundry.


Cloud Foundry



3) In the Cloud Foundry page, scroll down to Application Runtime and choose SDK for Node.js.


SDK for Node.js



4) Choose your region and enter a unique name for the application. In the image below, the application name is myFirstNodeCloudantApp.

Accept the defaults for the other fields and click Create.


Create Node.js Cloud Foundry Application


NOTE: Wait until the application finishes staging and is running in IBM Cloud before you proceed to the next step. Look for the indication that your app is running.

Create Node.js Cloud Foundry Application

5) Enable the continuous delivery for your Node.js application from the Overview tab, as shown in the following image.


Enabling continuous delivery

6) In the Continuos Delivery Toolchain configuration window, change the source repository URL to


Toolchain page


7) In the same window, go to the Delivery Pipeline Required tab.

Note: You will be asked to create an IBM Cloud API Key for the Delivery Pipeline to automate continuous deliver and click on New

Tool Integrations tile


8) A new window comes up where you can enter the name of the API key and description and click on Ok

Tool Integrations tile


This generates a new IBM Cloud API key

9) Now click on Create for the Tool Chain to be created.



Tool Integrations tile


10) A new page opens, showing a set of tool integrations (THINK, CODE, and DELIVER) that support development, deployment, and operations tasks, as shown in the following image.





Note: Do not run the deploy stage explicitly under Delivery Pipeline.

11) Go to the previous tab and click Connections on the left navigation bar, then click Create Connection.


Create a connection

12) From the list of available applications, select the cloudant instance you created earlier and click on Next.


Choose Cloudant



13) A window comes up alerting Restaging Required. Click on Connect .



Restage after connecting to the Cloudant service



14) A message prompts you to restage the application so that it can use the Cloudant service. Click Restage.



Restage after connecting to the Cloudant service


Note: The application restaging will take a couple of minutes. You should see the status next to the application name change from 

Restaging  to Running.



15) You will now see the cloudant service listed as a connection.

